Mass Mail and Email Profile - Configuration

Mass Mail items, or set emails that are sent to multiple recipients with little or no modification to the body of the email, are used throughout the staffing industry to handle large volume requests or notifications. This feature also allows user to create a specific Mass Mail email profile and to create email templates.

In order to use Mass Mail, Employer/supplier and User config options must be configured in Admin Tools and an email profile must be set up. This article focuses on how to configure these settings and set up an email profile.



Admin Tools: Set Mass Mail Visibility in System Config Form

Admin Tools: Set Supplier Mass Mail Stored Procedure

Admin Tools: Set User Properties

Start Page: Set Up/Verify Email Profile

Default Email Profile Setup

Add a New Email Profile


Admin Tools: Set Mass Mail Visibility in System Config Form

  1. From the Start Page, click the Actions menu and select Admin Tools from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Admin Tools Main window, choose System under Category and double-click Form under Select. The System|Config Form window displays.
  3. In the Config Form section, expand the Front Office tree menu by clicking on the +, so that Email appears.

  4. Click the + next to Email so that the Email sub-items appear.

  5. Click Mass Mail from the Email sub-items so that additional items will appear on the right side of the window.

  6. In the Shared By section, select to grant visibility to either specific users or general groups of users by selecting the appropriate radio button.

  7. Place a checkmark in the Is Visible checkbox for each user or group that should have visibility to Mass Mail. Any user or group that does not have a checkmark in the Is Visible checkbox will not be able to see Mail Mail options.
  8. Click the + next to Mass Mail to display additional sub-menu items.

  9. Repeat steps 7-8 for each Mass Mail sub-tree menu item to set visibility by user or group.
  10. Click Save when all items have been updated.

  11. Click OK to close the Save Confirmation pop-up window.

  12. Restart the Avionté application by clicking the Avionté logo in the upper left corner. 
  13. Select Restart Application.


Admin Tools: Set Supplier Mass Mail Stored Procedure

  1. From the Start Page, click the Actions menu and select Admin Tools from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Admin Tools Main window, choose System under Category and double-click Config Option under Select.
  3. Choose Supplier from the Select Type drop-down menu.

  4. Under Select Category, choose the supplier that will be using Mass Mail. 

  5. Under Select OptionType, ensure that the box next to EmployerSetting is checked and click on EmployerSetting to display additional properties in the Select Property panel on the right side of the screen.

  6. In the Select Property list on the far right, enter "mass" in the blank field under Property to filter the results. The MassMailSearchResultSP property will be the only property available in the list. 
    Note: Ensure the filter choice is set to "Contains" by clicking the   icon to the left of the Property field. 

  7. Update the MassMailSearchResultSP with a different stored procedure, if necessary.
    This property contains the stored procedure that determines the results of the Mass Mail search screen. Update this with any customized stored procedure name to display the Mass Mail items with additional columns if necessary.
  8. Press Tab on the keyboard to tab off the field and save.


Admin Tools: Set User Properties

NoteThese properties should already be set in your system. Changing these sections might make Mass Mail unusable.
  1. From the Start Page, click the Actions menu and select Admin Tools from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the Admin Tools Main window, choose System under Category and double-click Config Option under Select. The System|Config Option window will display.
  3. Choose User from the Select Type drop-down menu.

  4. Select a specific user from the UserName list by either selecting a user or searching for one by typing in the blank field under UserName.

  5. When a user has been selected, click on the username to load additional items on the right side of the screen.
  6. Under ConfigOptionType field, type "mass" to filter the results for Mass Mail Config Options. 
    Note: Set the filter choice to "Contains" by clicking the   icon to the left of the Property field. 

  7. Edit these properties as necessary to customize the action and text displayed for the Mass Mail button:
    • fav_MassMailFavorite
    • mm_NewMassMail
    • qkpl_SendMassMail
  8. Press Tab on the keyboard to tab off the field and save.


Start Page: Set Up/Verify Email Profile

In order for Mass Mail to function correctly, all Mass Mails must be sent through an existing email profile. There are two email profile setup methods that may be used - Default Profile and New Profile. 


Default Email Profile Setup

Mass Mails can be set through a Default Email profile. This email profile can be used throughout Avionté. This method allows for only one email profile to be set up. To add additional email profiles, see the Add a New Email Profile section below. 
For information on setting up a default email profile, see either Email Profile (Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted) or Email - Profile (Versions 15.1 & Newer; Hosted) help articles.


Add a New Email Profile

An additional new email profile can be set up in the Mass Mail section specifically for mass mailings. This is generally recommended if a "no reply" email address is going to be used.

The Profile section, accessible from the Email section, allows for additional email profiles to be set up. These profiles can be used to send out Mass Mails or other emails where using a personal email address would be undesirable. 

NoteUsers will only have access to profiles they have created, or which have been shared with their account. 
  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Email > Profile

  2. Click New Profile in the upper left corner. The Email Profile wizard loads.

  3. On the Email Profile tab, enter the following information:
    Field Description Version Requirements
    Profile Name Enter a name for this email profile. All versions; both Hosted and Self-Hosted.
    Email Address Enter the email address for this profile. All versions; both Hosted and Self-Hosted.
    User Name Enter the user name you'd like for this profile. Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted.
    Password Enter the password you would like to have for accessing this profile.
    NoteThis should be the mail domain password that you already use.
    Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted.
    Retype Password Confirm the password you created in the field above. Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted.
    Reply To Email Address Set up an email address where replies will go. All versions; both Hosted and Self-Hosted. 
    Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Obtain this information from your administrator. Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted.
    Outgoing Mail Server Port Obtain this information from your administrator. Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted.
    Enable SSL Discuss with your administrator whether or not to enable SSL. Versions 14.2 & Older; Self-Hosted.
  4. The HTML tab at the bottom of the window can be used to add additional items such as images, or social networking links.
    For more information, see the Email Signature section of the Email - Profile (Versions 15.1 & Newer; Hosted) article. This information applies to all Avionté users, regardless of version. If no email signature is needed, move to the next step.
  5. On the Share Profile tab, select users to share this email profile with. Across the top are three buttons that provide options for selecting users. Those options are:
    Option Description
    Select All Users From My Branch Share this profile with all users at your branch.
    Select All Users From My Supplier Share this profile with all the users at your supplier.
    Deselect All Unselect all users.
  6. After all of the information has been added for this profile, click Finish to save changes. The new profile will be available the Email > Profile grid.

Edit an Email Profile

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to Front Office > Email > Profile
  2. To edit an e-mail profile, click on the pencil icon next to an email profile. 



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