Employee Candidate


Updated 10/13/2021
The Candidate item of the Employee section illustrates the orders and customers for which the employee is a candidate. 

Candidate Tab

The Order Candidate tab displays all of the information on the orders that the current employee is a candidate for. The information displayed is as follows.
The Order Candidate tab displays all of the information on the orders that the current employee is a candidate for. The information displayed is as follows.
Field Description
Bill Rate The amount of money that is being billed.
Candidate Name The name of the candidate.
Candidate Status The status of the candidate in relation to the position listed.
Department Name The department within the company that the position is in.
Job Title The title of the position available.
Order ID The unique identification number for the order.
Order Type The type of position available.
Order Status Describes the degree to which the order is complete.
Pay Rate The rate of pay for the candidate.
See Customer A detailed description of the customer's information.
See Order A detailed description of the order.
System Order Type An overview of the system order type.


The Customer Candidate tab displays all of the information on the customers that the employee is a candidate for. The information that can be displayed is as follows:
Field Description
Customer Name The name of the customer.
Employee Name The name of the employee.
Department Name the name of the department.
Job Title The title of the open job.
Employee Status The status of a particular employee.
See Customer A detailed description of the customer's information.


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