The report provides the detail records of Working Employees that will help ensure compliance with the new Illinois state law that mandates equal pay for employees after 90 days of employment.
Parameter Name |
Description |
Branch (Employee) |
Employee’s Branch |
Start Date |
Start Date (Assignment) |
End Date |
End Date (Assignment) |
Employee Status |
List of employee statuses |
Customer Name |
Free text field that can be used to filter records using Customer Name |
Department Name |
Free text field that can be used to filter records using Department Name |
Days Count |
Worksite State |
List of Worksite States |
Currently Active |
If selected Yes Pulls active assignment regardless of Start Date and End Date |
Count days starting as of |
Date for pulling the total days worked after the date selected |
Pay Code |
List of Paycodes (Transaction Types) |
Report Fields
Branch Name | Employee's Branch |
EmployeeID | Employee’s ID Number |
Employee’s ID Number | Employee’s ID Number in the front office (AviontéBOLD) |
Employee Name | Employee Full Name |
Employee SSN | Employee SSN |
Employee Status | Employee's Status |
Date Of Birth | Employee's Date of Birth |
Customer ID | Customer's ID |
Bold Company ID | Customer’s ID Number in the front office (AviontéBOLD) |
Customer Name | Customer Name |
Department Name | Name of the Department |
Order ID | Order ID Number |
BOLD Job ID | Order's ID Number in the front office (AviontéBOLD) |
Shift Name | Order's Shift Name |
Job Title | Job Title/Skill from the Order |
Worksite Address | Customer's Worksite Address |
AssignmentID | Assignment ID Number |
Assignment Total Hours | Total Hours Paid For the Assignment |
Total Hours (Date Range) | Pay Total Hours for the week worked that falls under the start date and end date parameters |
Count of Week Worked (Date Range) | Count of unique week worked that falls under the start date and end date parameters |
Average Weekly Hours (Date Range) | Calculated as : Total Hours (Date Range) / Count of Week Worked (Date Range) |
Employee Last Paid Date | Last Paid date (Check Date) for the Employee |
Assignment Last Paid Date | Last paid date (Check Date) for the Assignment |
Assignment Original Start Date | First start Date for the Assignment |
Assignment End Date | Last End Date for the Assignment |
# of days worked | Number of Days Worked |
Date they reached the X days defined in parameter | Date calculated as: Assignment Original Start Date + Days Count Parameter |
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