Standard AQ - Overview

Avionté provides a set of standard advanced queries through the Main Menu > Reports option. To access an Advanced Query that is not displayed through the Reports menu, contact your company's Avionté Super User or Avionté Technical Services. 

Note: Some reports may not be available with older versions of Avionté. 

The Standard Advanced Queries in this article are grouped by the type of user (e.g. front office users, back office users, admin users, etc.) who may find that particular report most useful.


Report Tools and Exporting AQs Video


Front Office User Advanced Queries

Front Office User Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings Why is this AQ useful?
Active Assignment Missing Hours AQ Displays all the active assignments with missing hours. Branch (Assignment), Accounting Period Date, Customer Name, Assignment ID, Time Entered/Unentered Staffing Company, Branch Name, Assignment ID, Employee ID, Employee Name, Customer Name, Department Name, Employee Primary Contact, Employee Home Phone, Employee Cell, Employee Email, Week Worked, Start Date, End Date Time Entered Method, Pay Unit, Bill Unit This report is useful for rectifying assignments with missing hours. The user can take the data from it and make corrections if necessary.
Assignment AQ Shows all employees that are assigned to an active assignment Branch (Assignment), Start Date, End Date, Customer Name, Employee Type Staffing Company, Branch, Customer Name, Department Name, Employee ID, Employee Name, SSN, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, IsW2, Primary Contact Method, Email, Agency Name, Assignment Type, Assignment ID, Job Title, Job Description, Order Type, Performance Code, Original Start Date, Start Date, End Date, End Reason, Pay Rate, Bill Rate, OT Pay Rate, OT Bill Rate, Salary Pay Rate, Salary Bill Rate, DH Fee, Last Paid Date This report is useful when auditing new placements, crosschecking those specific assignments are ending on their end date, and to get a good overview of current active assignments.
Audit AQ Lists changes to specific tables within the application Start Date (Audit Date Modified), End Date (Audit Date Modified), User Name, Table name, Column Name Audit Type, Table Name, Column Name, Old Value, New Value, Date Modified, User Name, User Description This report lists all changes made to any table along with the value prior to the change, the date the change was made, and the User that made the change.
Birthday AQ Lists employee birthday information by month and branch Branch (Employee), Employee Month, Show Customer Detail (Yes, No) Staffing Company, Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Status, On Assignment (Checkbox), Birthday, Employee Address, Phone, Email, Customer Name, Department Name This is a great report to run if you need to know the age of an employee for an assignment or if your office sends out birthday cards to your employees.
Client Evaluation Results AQ Lists results from client surveys Customer Name, Evaluation Name, Question, Start Date, End Date Questions from client evaluation. This report compiles client evaluation information in an easy-to-read, compact format.
Config Choice AQ Lists all the property values for each branch for each choice code in the system Branch, Category, Active Staffing Supplier Desc, Branch Name, Category Name, Choice Code, Choice Code Description, Property, Value, Is Active, Config Choice ID, Date Entered This is a great report to quickly look at the property values set for each branch.
Customer Attendance Roster AQ Details weekly attendance of employees at assignments by Customer Branch, Assignment, Attendance Code (All, A, NA), Customer Name, Start Date (Attendance Date), End Date (Attendance Date) Staffing Company, Branch, Customer Name, Department Name, Employee Name, SSN, Date Worked, Day, Entry, Week End Day, Week End Date This report shows a brief snapshot of employee attendance and the customer that they are assigned to.
Employee eDocument Info AQ Details eDocument status for each employee Branch (Employee), Employee Status, eDocument, eDocument Status, Include Employee with Missing eDocs? (Yes, No) Employee Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Status, On Assignment, Primary Contact Method, Employee Date Entered, Employee Entered By, eDocument Type, eDocument Status, Active, Verified, eDocument Submitted Date, eDocument Completed Date, eDocument Expiration Date, eDocument Missing This report is a good summary of employees missing and submitted eDocuments.
Employee Adobe e-Signature Document Info AQ

Lists all completed Adobe e-Signature documents


Branch (Employee), Employee Status, e-Signature Document, Include Employee with Missing Document? (Yes, No) Employee Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Status, On Assignment, Primary Contact Method, Employee Date Entered, Employee Entered By, e-Signature Template Name, e-Signature Completed Date This report is a good summary of an employee’s missing and completed Adobe e-Signature Templates.
Employee Certification AQ Lists all available assigned or missing certifications for the employee between a selected date, assignment, hire or paycheck date Branch (Employee), Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Employee Status, Certification, Missing Certifications Staffing Company, Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, On Assignment, Primary Contact, Employee Status, Last Paycheck Date, First Paycheck Date, Certification Type, Certification Issuing Authority, Certification Number, Certification Issue Date, Certification Expiration Date, Certification Validation Date, Certification Note, Missing Certification  
Employee Document Info AQ Details Document status for each employee Branch (Employee), Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Employee Status, Document Type, Employee with Missing Docs Employee Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Status, On Assignment, Primary Contact Method, Employee Date Entered, Document Type, Note, File Name, Document Entered By, File Type, Expiration Date, Date Entered, Document Missing, Last Paycheck Date, User: Entered By, User: Interviewed By, User: Recruiter This report is a good summary of an employee missing and submitted eDocuments.
Employee Overview AQ This report allows you to search for all Employee Education, Skills, Requirements, Past Jobs, Certifications, Documents and eDocuments. It also allows you to search for Employees missing the above information, which is not possible with Advanced Search functionality. SSN, Search type, Branch, Start Date/End Date, Employee Status, Employee Missing [This has to match exactly with the choice code] Branch Name, Employee ID, SSN. Last Name, First Name, Employee Status, Primary Contact, Email, Full address, On Assignment and other fields depending on the Search type selected. This allows you to search for employees missing certain information like I9 certification or certain requirements.
Employee Missing Certification AQ Lists missing employee certifications Branch (Employee), Certification List, On Assignment? Branch Name, Employee ID, Employee Name, SSN, On Assignment?, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code This report shows all employees that are missing specific certifications.
Employee Missing Requirement AQ Lists employees missing requirements Branch (Employee), Requirement List, On Assignment? Staffing Company, Branch Name, Employee ID, Employee Name, SSN, On Assignment?, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code This report shows all employees that are missing specific requirements.
Employee W2 Info Display all W2 fields in Excel format. Supplier / Year, Branch (Employee), Employee Status, Address Type, Order By Pulls all the fields that are on the W2 form. This report will show all the info that we pull on the standard W2 report in Excel format for easier review and verifications.
Ending Assignment List AQ List of employees with ending assignments Branch (Assignment), Start Date (Assignment End Date), End Date (Assignment End Date) Staffing Company, Site Name, Assignment ID, Employee ID, Employee Name, Customer Name, Department, Job Title, Start Date, End Date, Bill Rate, Pay Rate, Performance, End Reason, Employee Main Contact Method, Last Date Paid, Total Hours Worked, # Days on Assignment This report details information about ending assignments during a specified time period, including end reason and employee contact information.
Everify Case AQ Details employees’ Everify statuses Employee Branch, Everify Requested Date (From), Everify Requested Date (To) Group Name, Group Description, Created by User Name, Created by User Description, Contact Branch, Last Name, First Name, Street 1, City, State, Zip Code, Authorized to Work, Sent By User

This report allows you to search for E-Verify completion status for all employees by their submission dates.

Job Order Metrics AQ Shows all job order information Branch (Order), Start Date (Order Date Entered), End Date (Order Date Entered), Customer Name, Staffing Specialist, Order Type Branch Name, Customer Name, Department Name, Order ID, Order Type, System Order Type, Job Title, Order Start Date, Order End Date, Fee, Fee Min, Fee Max, Pay Rate, Bill Rate, Contact, Required, Placed, City, State, Order Status. This report is useful for tracking recruiter activity and determining the fill rate of active job orders.
Message Activities AQ Shows Messages/Activities for each: Employee, Customer, Contact  Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Entered By, Action Type, Customer Name StaffingCompany, BranchName, ActionType, MessageType, Subject, message, DATE, EnteredbyUser, EmployeeName, CustomerName, ContactName, LinkUsers, IsComplete, Order ID, Assignment ID, Agency Name, WCClaim ID, Unemployment ID, Is Aero Activities, Is System Generated This report shows the Messages/Activities for the Employees, Customers or Contacts in a specific Date range.
Order Posted to Web AQ Shows orders posted to the web Branch (Order), Order Type, Customer Name, Start Date (Date Posted), End Date (Date Posted), Show Active Only (Yes, No) Staffing Company, Branch, Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Staffing Order ID, Job Title, Order Type, Order Status, WC Code, Shift Name, Job Portal, Date Posted, Is Active?, Required, Placed, Start Date, End Date, Pay Rate, Bill Rate, Order Candidates This report is useful for tracking online activity and the implications on job order postings.
Prove It! AQ Tracks Prove It! tests sent, submitted, and expired Branch (Employee), Date Type (Date Sent, Date Completed, Date Expired), Start Date, End Date Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Status, Email, Primary Contact Method, On Assignment, Test Name, Sent Date, Expire Date, Complete Date, Score, Score %, Percentile, Sent By This report makes it easy to search for all of the results of one specific Prove It test, determine who has or hasn’t completed a test, or filter for all employees that received a score greater than a cutoff for a specific test.
Referral Source AQ Lists referral information of customers and employees Start Date (Entered Date), End Date (Entered Date), Branch, Entity (Employee, Customer) Employee: Employee Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Referral Source, Date Entered, Employee Origin, Assigned, Active Order Count, Customer Name, Department Name, Job Title; Customer: Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Source, Source Detail, Customer Branch, Date Entered, Has Active Order, Active Order Count

Need an Extra label set up with the SystemName = Source under category EmployeeExtra for Employee and under CustomerOrderExtra for Customer.

Need to set up following Config ChoiceCodes: MainCategory = EmployeeExtra or EmployeeInterview, SystemName = Source
This report is useful in determining the referral source of an employee or customer for later action (i.e. sourcing payment) or in determining the success of the reference.
Skill Code AQ Provides a list of the Skill Codes and their status Branch, Category, Is Active, Is Job Position, Is Skill, Is Web Visible StaffingSupplier, Branch, Category, Skill Code, Skill Code Description, IsActive, IsJobPosition, IsWebVisible, IsSkill This provides a list of the Skill Codes as well as if they are: Active, Web Visible, Job Position or a Skill
Staffing Action AQ Staffing message search report Branch (User), Date Type (Entered Date, Start Date, End Date), Start Date, End Date, Entered By, Is Complete, Action Type, Customer Name Staffing Company, Branch Name, Action Type, Message Type, Subject, Message, Date, Entered By User, Employee Name, Customer Name, Contact Name, Link Users, Is Complete, Order ID, Assignment ID, Agency Name, WC Claim ID, Unemployment ID This is a useful report for tracking recruiter activity and for finding specific messages that have been exchanged.
Staffing Action Archive AQ To search for Staffing message records archived by the Aged Data Maintainer. Branch (User), Date Type (Entered Date, Start Date, End Date), Start Date, End Date, Entered By, Is Complete, Action Type, Customer Name Staffing Company, Branch Name, Action Type, Message Type, Subject, Message, Date, Entered By User, Employee Name, Customer Name, Contact Name, Link Users, Is Complete, Order ID, Assignment ID, Agency Name, WC Claim ID, Unemployment ID This AQ is exactly the same as the existing Staffing Action AQ, except it references the archive tables instead. Essentially, the aged data maintainer moves messages/tasks/appointments older than 5 years into an archive table in order to prevent the staffing action table from becoming bloated.


Back Office User Advanced Queries

Back Office User Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/ Configuration Settings Why is this AQ useful?
401K Census AQ This AQ gives the details of 401K Deduction and 401K Contribution for Employee Branch (Employee), Start Date (Check Date), End Date (End Date), Show Summary, 401K Deductions List, 401K Contributions List Staffing Supplier Desc, Branch, Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, SSN, Gender, Street1, Street2, City, State, Zip, Date of Birth, Date of Hire, Status, Date of Termination, Phone, Email, Check Number, Check Date, Accounting Period Date, Hours, Wages, Deduction Amount, Deduction Amount YTD, Deduction Amount LTD, Contribution Amount, Contribution Amount YTD, Contribution Amount LTD This report is helpful to review and report 401K deductions and Contribution Census.

AR Aging As Of AQ

Details AR days sales outstanding Branch Invoice, As of Date, Aging Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Due Date), Customer Name, Root Customer ID, Rool up to Parent Customer (True/False) StaffingCompany, BranchName, CustomerID, CustomerName, DepartmentName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, DueDate, AccountingPeriodDate, InvoiceAmount, FinanceCharge, BalanceAmount, PaymentAmount, Current_Age, Age_1_30, Age_31_60, Age_61_90, Age_Over_90, PaymentTerms, DSO, PhoneNumber, CreditLimit, HighLimit, LastPaymentDate, LastCustomerPaymentDate, AccountManager, CreditHoldCode Our clients find this report useful when reviewing accounts receivable and tracking the AR status for a specific date.

AR Aging DSO AQ 

Details AR days sales outstanding Branch, Customer Name, Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Invoice Date), Start Date, End Date, Customer Name Branch, Customer Name, Department Name, Invoice Amount, Balance Amount, Total Payment Amount, DSO, No of Days (within a specified time period) Our clients find this report useful when reviewing accounts receivable and tracking the AR status of their customers.
AR Batch ID AQ Lists AR by Batch ID Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Date Posted), Start Date, End Date, Branch (Invoice), Customer Name, AR Batch ID Staffing Company, Branch Name, AR Batch ID, AR Batch Type, Customer Name, Invoice #, Check #, Payment Amount, Payment Applied, Reason Code, Posted By, Date Posted, Accounting Period Date This report is useful for reviewing accounts receivable information by Batch ID.
Billing by Work State AQ Shows billing totals by work state Date Type (Accounting Period, Invoice Date), Start Date, End Date, Branch (Invoice) State, State Description, Total Bill This report breaks down billing totals by state.
California Labor Contractor Report Provide this report to your customers, they will determine if they need to submit the required information to California. Supplier, Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Transaction Type, Ignore "Missing Info" Errors?, Customer ID, Show Employee Detail, Include Child Departments Establishment Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, ZIP Code, NAICS Code, Major Activity, Employee ID, Employee First Name, Employee Middle Name, Employee Last Name, Total Number of Employees at Establishment, Was a California Pay Data Report filed for this establishment last year?, Was an EEO-1 Report filed for this establishment last year?, Is this establishment the employer's headquarters?, Labor Contractor, Labor Contractor FEIN, Snapshot - Start Date, Snapshot - End Date, Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay Band, Number of Employees, Mean - Hourly Rate*, Median - Hourly Rate*, Total Hours, Row-Level Clarifying Remarks  
California Pay Data Report Requires a private employer of at least 100 employees to file a Payroll Employee Report regardless of whether the employer files a federal EEO-1 report for the prior calendar year (2022) Supplier, Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Transaction Type, Ignore "Missing Info" Errors?, Employee Detail Establishment Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, ZIP Code, NAICS Code, Major Activity, Employee ID, Employee First Name, Employee Middle Name, Employee Last Name, Total Number of Employees at Establishment, Was a California Pay Data Report filed for this establishment last year?, Was an EEO-1 Report filed for this establishment last year?, Is this establishment the employer's headquarters?, Job Category, Race/Ethnicity/Sex, Pay Band, Number of Employees, Mean - Hourly Rate*, Median - Hourly Rate*, Total Hours, Row-Level Clarifying Remarks  
Check Register AQ Shows information similar to that on paychecks. Branch (Payment Check), Date Type (Check Date, Accounting Period Date, ACH Generated Date, Positive Pay Generated Date), Start Date, End Date, SSN Ends with, Show Earnings Details (Yes, No), Show Deductions Details (Yes, No), Show Benefits Details (Yes, No) Staffing Company, Branch, Check Date, Accounting Period Date, ACH Generated Date and Time, Positive Pay Generated Date and Time, PrenoteSentDate, PrenoteApproveDate,  Date Cleared, Check Number, Check Delivery, Employee ID, Agency ID, Payee Name, SSN, Gross Amount, Total EE Taxes, Total Deductions, Total Benefits, Net Amount, Is W2, Is Direct Deposit, Federal Tax, States, State WH, FICAEE, MEDEE, LOCALEE, SUIEE, SDIEE, FICAER, MEDER, SUIER, SDIER, FUTAER, Earn:Vac – Units, Earn:Vac, Earn:Salary – Units, Earn:Salary, etc. (these Earnings, Deductions, and Benefits fields are dynamically pulled from your settings) This report is a good resource to crosscheck with payroll before submission.
Cincinnati Local Tax Details AQ Details Cincinnati Local Tax information Supplier, Start Date (Check Date), End Date (Check Date), SSN, Result Type (Detail, Summary) Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, SSN, Check Number, Check Date, Cinci Taxable, Cinci Tax Calc Full, Work Site Tax Withheld, Cinci Tax Calc Reduced, Cinci Tax Actual Withheld This report offers a very detailed breakdown of all local Cincinnati taxes.
Cleared Paychecks by Date AQ Lists cleared paychecks during a specific time period Start Date (Date Cleared), End Date (Date Cleared), Payment Date, Payment Bank,
Branch (Paycheck)
Branch, Payee, SSN, Check #, Check Date, Net Amount, Date Cleared, Payment Bank ID, Bank Name, Description, Is Direct Deposit, Is W2, Gross Amount, Accounting Period Date This report is useful for determining which disbursed paychecks have been deposited in the event when there is a payroll error.
Commission Split AQ Shows a breakdown, by Employee with: Total, Pay and Bill Hours, Amount and Commission % and Gross Profit. Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Order Type, Customer Name BranchName, CustomerName, DepartmentName, OrderType, WcCode, EmployeeName, AccountingPeriodDate, WeekWorked, PayTotalHours, BillTotalHours, BillAmount, DHFee, GPAdjBill, DiscountAmount, GrossWages, NonAdjCost, GPAdjPay, AgencyCost, EmployerTaxes, WorkerComp, GPAdjCost, BurdenAmount, EmployerContributions, GrossProfit, GrossProfitPerBilledHour, GP%, User, UserType, CommissionPercent, CommissionGP Displays the FInancial details, per Employee and Assignment.
Department of Labor AQ Lists number of employees and their number of hours Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), End Date, Start Date Branch, Count of employees, Gross Wages, Reg Hours, OT Hours, DT Hours, Total Hours Gives a good summary of the number of employees by branch and how many total hours they have worked.

Discount Usage AQ

Lists the dollar amounts associated with Discount Types Branch (Transaction), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), Start Date, End Date, Show Details (Yes, No) Staffing Company, Branch Name, Accounting Period Date, Week Worked, Invoice Number, Customer Name, Transaction Type, Department Name, Discount Name, Bill Amount, Discount Amount This report shows the transactions that have discount amounts associated with them.

Employee Direct Deposit AQ

Details employee direct deposit information Branch (Employee), Employee Name, Show Inactive (True, False) Branch, Employee ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Status, On Assignment, Bank Name, Routing Number, Account Number, Amount Value, Amount Type, Bank Account Type, Sequence, Last Check Date, Is Active This report is a good summary of an employee’s direct deposit information
Employee Pay Detail per Pay Code AQ Shows all pay details for each employee Branch (Employee), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Check Date), Start Date, End Date, Tax Type Show Type = ‘Employee’: Staffing Company, Employee Name, Employee ID, SSN, Employee Status, Primary Contact Method, On Assignment?, Employee Address, (remaining fields dynamic Pay Codes based on system settings); Show Type = ‘Customer’: Staffing Company, Customer Name, Customer ID, Department Name, Employee Name, SSN, Employee Status, Primary Contact Method, On Assignment?, Employee Address, (remaining fields dynamic Pay Codes based on system settings) This report breaks down an employee’s pay by pay code in detail.
Employee Payroll Tax Detail with Pretax AQ Shows all pay details for each employee Branch (Employee), Start Date, End Date, Tax Type, Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Check Date) Staffing Supplier Description, Employee Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, On Assignment, US Withholding Type, Tax Name, Gross Wages, Subject Gross, Taxable Gross, Tax Amount, 401k Deductions, Sect125 Deductions Shows a detailed breakdown of employee taxes with pretax deduction types and amounts.
Employee Tax Info AQ Lists all tax information for each employee Branch (Employee), Employee Status Employee Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, Employee Status, On Assignment?, US Withholding Type, Tax Type, Tax Name, Active, Tax Filing Status, Exemption, Dependent, Add WH, Is Tax Exempt?, NR_CERT, Fixed Percentage, Exemption Amount, Last Check Date This report breaks down the amounts of each tax that each employee is withholding and it also shows tax-exempt employees. It is a great report to run if you need detailed employee tax information and/or filing statuses.

Federal EEO Reporting AQ

This report requires mapping

Lists equal opportunity information for employees

Supplier, Date Type (Week Worked, Accounting Period Date), Start Date, End Date, Show Employee Info (Yes, No), Branch (Employee),

Exclude DH Orders (Yes, No)

Job Category, Shows Employee counts of Race and Gender by Job Category.

Displays Disability and Veteran status when "show employee info" = Yes

This report requires mapping:

This report makes federal reporting of EEO information simple and easy
Federal EEO Component 2 Reporting AQ Lists equal opportunity information for employees, including wage and hour data Supplier, Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Status Code, Unit Number, User ID, Question B2C, Question D2, Show Employee Info, Transaction Types, Exclude DH Orders, Ignore Missing Info Errors

Supplier, Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Status Code, Unit Number, User ID, Question B2C, Question D2, Show Employee Info, Transaction Types, Exclude DH Orders, Ignore Missing Info Errors


This report requires mapping:

This report makes federal reporting of EEO information simple and easy
Future Payroll/Billing AQ   Branch (Transaction), SSN, Customer Name, Future Type

StaffingSupplierDesc, TransactionBranch, AccountingPeriodDate, WeekWorked, TimeEntryBatchID, TransactionID, CustomerID, BillToName, DepartmentName, EmployeeID, SSN, EmployeeName, IsW2, StaffingOrderID, AssignmentID, AssignmentStartDate, AssignmentEndDate, CheckAccountingPeriodDate, CheckDate, CheckNumber, CheckBranch, IsDirectDeposit, InvoiceAccountingPeriodDate, InvoiceDate, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceBranch, PayCode, PayUnit, PayRate, ItemPay, ,BillUnit, BillRate, ItemBill, CostUnit, CostRate,ItemCost, AgencyName, EmployerContribution, RTPay, OTPay, DTPay, RTBill, OTBill, DTBill, , OrderType, WcCode, WcCodeRate, JobPosition, PONumber

Get Employee Fed W2 AQ Gives details of employee federal wages Supplier, Year, SSN, Data Source (Avionté, Compare, Greenshades), Return Type (Results, Summary), Sort By (Name, SSN) SSN, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Full Name, Gross Wages, Fed Taxable Gross, Fed Tax Amount, FICA Taxable Gross, FICA Tax Amount, Med Taxable Gross, Med Tax Amount This report shows all federal W2 information for an employee.
Get Employee Local W2 AQ Gives details of employee local wages Supplier, Year, State, Local Tax, SSN, Data Source (Avionté, Compare, Greenshades), Return Type (Results, Summary), Sort By (Name, SSN) SSN, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Full Name, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, Gross Wages, Local Tax Name, Local Tax Code, Local Tax State, Avionté Taxable Gross, Avionté Tax Amount This report shows all local W2 information for an employee.
Get Employee State W2 AQ Gives details of employee state wages Supplier, Year, State, SSN, Data Source (Avionté, Compare, Greenshades), Return Type (Results, Summary), Sort By (Name, SSN) SSN, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Full Name, Gross Wages, Tax State, Avionté Taxable Gross, Avionté Tax Amount This report shows all state W2 information for an employee.
Get Employee SUI Wage Details AQ Gives details of employee SUI wages Supplier, Start Date (Check Date), End Date (Check Date), State Code SSN, Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Gross Wages, Taxable Wages, Subject Wages, Excess Wages This report shows all SUI wage details for an employee.
Get PA EIT Details AQ PA EIT breakdown by employee and worksite Start Date (Check Date), End Date (Check Date), Tax Type(s) Supplier Name, SSN, Employee Name, Employee Address, Gross Wages, Taxable Wages, Tax Amount, Resident PSD Code, Tax Name, Tax Type, Worksite, Worksite Address, Worksite PSD Code, Tax PSD Code, Tax Authority

Need an Employee Extra label set up with SystemName = PSDCode
This report shows a breakdown of the PA Earned Income Tax details and amounts for each employee.
Get PA EIT Details - Tax Name   Start Date, End Date, Tax Type(s), Tax Name, Local Account Number EIN, LocalAccountNumber, WorksitePSDCode, TaxYear, Period, SSN , LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, Address1, Address2, City, State, ZipCode, WorksiteAddress1, WorksiteAddress2, WorksiteCity, WorksiteState, WorksiteZipCode,  TaxableWages,  EITTaxAmount , ResidentPSDCode, LSTTaxAmount This AQ gives the details of EIT Tax Amount, LST Tax Amount for Worksite PSD Code and Resident PSD Code of Employee.
Get PA Employees missing Resident
PSD Code
Shows PA employees with missing Resident PSD Code Start Date (Check Date), End Date (Check Date), Show EE w/PSD Code (Yes, No) Staffing Company, Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, SSN, Full Address, Gross Wages, Tax Amount, Resident PSD Code

Need an Employee Extra label set up with SystemName = PSDCode
This report helps to find employees working in PA with missing PSD codes so that their information can be updated in their employee records.

IL Day and Temporary Labor Act Registration AQ

Provides information required for registering in the state of IL for the Day and Temporary Labor Act Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), Start Date, End Date, Show Employee Info (yes, no), Branch (Employee) Branch, Male Hispanic Or Latino, White, Black African American, NativeHawaian Pacific Islander, Asian, American Indian Alaskan Native, Two or More Races, Unknown Race, Male, Female, Unknown Gender IL Day & Temp Labor Act

IL Equal Pay Act


Supplier Name, Start Date, and End Date

Dates use Check Dates

FirstName, LastName, SSN, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Wages, HireDate, TerminationDate, JobClassification, JobTitle, and County  

Invoice Finance Charge Details

Gives details of the Finance Charges applied to invoices   Branch (Invoice), Date Type, Start Date, End Date Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, Balance Amount, Finance Charge Date, Finance Charge Percent, Chargeable Amount, Finance Charge, Charge Type, Increase Balance Amount  This report is useful to get the details of Finance charges applied to Invoices.
Local Tax Mappings

View/Edit/Add Greenshades local tax mapping
Action Type (View, Map), Year, State(s), Tax Types, Map Tax ID, Map to Juris ID, Map to Juris Code, Map to Juris Name, Map to Muni Code, Map to Muni Name Tax ID, Tax Name, Tax Type, Vertex Tax Type, State Code, Tax Code ID, Taxable Gross YTD, Tax Amount YTD, Jurisdiction ID, Jurisdiction Code, Jurisdiction Name, Municipality Code, Municipality Name This report is useful for determining where an employee falls in the Greenshades tax mapping.
Local Tax Mappings - Green-
shades Listing AQ
View Greenshades’ Local Tax List for Mapping State(s), Jurisdiction, Municipality Jurisdiction ID, State Code, Jurisdiction Code, Jurisdiction Name, Municipality Code, Municipality Name This report is useful for determining where an employee falls in the Greenshades tax mapping and therefore what their tax rates will be.
Local Tax WH AQ Totals local tax withholding Branch Payment Check, Date Type (Check Date, Accounting Period Date), Start Date, End Date Staffing Company, Branch, Year ID, Quarter Name, State, Local Name, Num of Employees, Taxable Gross, Subject Gross, Gross Amount, Tax Amount This report is useful for tracking local tax withholding amounts for all employees working for a specific Branch.
Oregon Statewide Transit Tax AQ Data required for reporting Oregon Statewide Transit Tax to the state of Oregon Supplier FEIN, Quarter, Year Social Security Number, First Initial, Employee Last Name, Total Subject Wages, Statewide Transit tax withheld Reporting OR Transit Tax 
Paycheck/ Invoice with a Gap AQ Lists paychecks or invoices with time gaps in the sequence Entity Branch, Start Date, End Date, Entity Type (Paycheck, Invoice), No. of Days, Entity Name Paycheck: Branch, Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Last Check Date; Invoice: Branch, Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Last Invoice Date This report makes it easy to identify which customers haven’t been billed and employees haven’t been paid for a gap time period either due to inactivity or an error in your billing or payroll.
Quarterly Payroll Numbers Detail AQ Break down of quarterly payroll information by tax types Start Date (Accounting Period), End Date (Accounting Period Date) Check Year, Quarter, Bank ID, Tax Name, Tax Type, Taxable Gross, Tax Amount, Payee, Check Number This report shows a good summary of the quarterly payroll totals broken down by tax type.
Quarterly Sales by Fiscal Year AQ Break down of quarterly sales by fiscal year Branch (Transaction), Fiscal Year Start Date, Fiscal Year End Date, Line of Business Branch Name, Year ID, Month_Quarter, Customer, Department, Total Bill, Bill Amount, GP Adj Bill, Total Sales, Total Hours, Gross Profit, Line of Business This report shows a good summary of total sales, total hours, and gross profit during a specific quarter in a fiscal year.
Split Transaction AQ Shows all split transaction information Branch (Transaction), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), Check Number, Check Date, Check Status, Start Date, End Date Staffing Supplier Desc, Site Name, Payee Name, Bill To Name, Department Name, Total Pay, Total Bill, Total Cost, Worker Comp Cost, Agency Cost, Payment Cost, Burden, Gross Profit Percent, Gross Profit, Gross Wages, Bill Amount, Employer Taxes, Credit Card Fee, Discount Amount, Total Adjustment Pay, Total Adjustment Bill, Total Adjustment Cost, Pay RT Hours, Pay OT Hours, Pay DT Hours, Pay Other Hours, Pay Total Hours, Bill RT Hours, Bill OT Hours, Bill DT, Bill Other Hours, Bill Total Hours, SUTA Tax, FUTA Tax, Other ER Tax, FICA Tax, MED Tax, Accounting Period Date, Week Worked This report shows all financial information about split transactions, including gross profit, tax, pay, and bill breakdowns.
State Saves_Employee Contribution File Required employee contribution information for CA, IL, & OR state savings (often called Secure Choice) programs. Branch (Employee), Start Date, End Date, Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Check Date), Deduction Type, State Last Name, First Name, SSN, Contribution Amount, External Payroll ID, State Used for IL, CA, OR Secure Choice Programs
State Saves_Employee List Required employee census information for CA, IL, & OR state savings (often called Secure Choice) programs. Branch (Employee), State, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Pay Cycle, Start Print From, Run Type SSN/ITIN, Full Name, Birthdate, Address, State, ZIP Code, Phone, Email,  Used for IL, CA, OR Secure Choice Programs
State Tax WH AQ Lists state tax withholding by an employee Branch (Employee), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Check Date), Start Date, End Date, State Staffing Company, Branch, Year ID, Quarter Name, State, Num of Employees, Taxable Gross, Subject Gross, Tax Amount This report gives a good summary of state tax withholding for all employees by branch. 
SUI Amount AQ Lists amounts paid for SUI tax Branch (Employee), Start Date (Check Date), End Date (Check Date) Employee Name, Tax Name, Upper Limit, Subject Wages, Taxable Wages, Tax Amount This report shows wage and tax amounts for the State Unemployment Insurance taxes.
Taxes Summary AQ Summarizes company taxes Branch (Paycheck), Check Start Date, Check End Date, Show Summary (Yes, No) Supplier Description, First Name, Last Name, Check Number, Check Date, State Description, Tax Type, Tax Name, Gross Amount, Subject Gross, Taxable Gross, Tax Amount, Summary This report shows a breakdown of the amounts owed for each tax type, as well as a summary.
Unemployment AQ Lists all unemployment claim information by an employee Branch (Employee), Date Type (All, Claim Date, Claim Received), Start Date, End Date, Unemployment Status, Unemployment Status Reason Last Name, First Name, Claim Number, Claim Date, Claim Received, Date, Status, Determination Status, Reason Status, Potential Charges, Total Benefit Charged, Terminated By Employer, Protestable, Separation Info Needed, Appeal Pending, Claim Not Chargeable, Max Benefit, Weekly Benefit, Appeal Pending 1, Avg Pay Per Week, Total Earning

Need an Unemployment Date setup with the SystemName = ClaimDate and SystemName = ClaimReceived
This report generates a detailed list of unemployment claims and their statuses which can be used for simple tracking or for presentation in court.
View Greenshades Errors AQ View errors generated from Greenshades feed Supplier, Year, Quarter Quarter, Last Feed Generated Date, Last Feed Generated By, Error Messages This report allows you to see all of the Greenshades errors from running the last feed.

VMS Billing

Shows Bill Pay for VMS Orders

Branch (Transaction), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked) Start Date, End Date

Staffing Company, Branch Name, Agency Name, Customer Name, Department Name, Employee Name, Accounting Period Date, Week Worked, Total Bill, Total Pay, Total Cost. This report is useful to review the bill and pay data for the orders associated with the vendors.

W2 Manual Modifications Utility AQ

Lists changes and allows changes to be made to W2s Supplier, Year, Action (View Modifications, Add New Modification, Adjust Previous Modification, Remove Previous Modification), SSN, Box Number, Box Code, Modification Value, Modification Notes SSN, Last Name, First Name, Box Number, Code, Value, Notes, Entered Date, Entered by User This report allows someone to easily see and make changes to W2s in the system.
WC Cost by Claim Type AQ Details how worker comp claims affect gross profit (similar to the report by the same name) Claim Status, Claim Number, Customer Name, Employee Name, Branch, As Of Date Customer Name, Claim Number, Claim Entered Date, Wc Code, Employee Name, Claim Status, Staffing Company, Branch Name, Job Order ID, Job Title, Total Bill Amount, Gross Profit Before WC Cost, Gross Profit After WC Cost, YTD Customer Bill Amount, Body Parts, Medical Transportation This report is useful for determining the financial impact that a single or group of WC claims had on your company and is easy to sort as an advanced query.
Workers Comp Claim Detail AQ Shows all non-cost related details associated with a Workers Comp Claim Branch (Claim) Branch, Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, SSN, Address, Phone, Claim Number, Claim Type, Claim Status, Injury Date Time, WC Claim ID, Customer Name, Customer Address, Customer Phone, Job Title, Assignment ID, WC Code, Reg Pay Rate, Start Date, End Date, Body Part, Notes, Modified Duty Date, Insurance Notification, Count Date, Return to Work Date, Entered Date, Entered By, Body Part Injured 1, Note 1, Body Part Injured 2 This report is a useful resource for claim reporting to customers.
Worker Comp Cost AQ Details on Worker Comp codes per Employee (Wages, Hours and WC Cost) Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Include Burden Factor, Roll up To Parent Customer Staffing Company, Branch Name, Customer Name, Department Name, State, Worker Comp Code, WC Code Description, EmployeeID, Employee Name, SSN, Order Type, Skill Code, Accounting Period Date, Check Date, Reg Wages, OT Wages, DT Wages, Other Wages, Gross Wages, Worker Comp Wage, Worker Comp Percent, Worker Comp Cost, Pay Total Hours, Pay Reg Hours, Pay OT Hours, Pay DT Hours, Pay Other Hours, Select Provides details: Hours, Wages and Worker Comp costs per Employee and Customer.


Front and Back Office User Advanced Queries

Front and Back Office User Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings Why is this AQ useful? 
Accrued Hours AQ Details total hours for employees within a specified time period Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), Start Date, End Date, Branch, Pay Code, Total Hours Staffing Company, Branch, Employee ID, Employee Name, SSN, Primary Contact Method, Status, On Assignment?, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, Total Hours, Reg Hours, OT Hours, Gross Wages  This report can be used to report an employee’s hours to a customer, to calculate discounts for your clients, and to get general information about the number of hours one of your employees has worked on an assignment.
Comprehensive Agency AQ Shows a comprehensive list of information associated with an Agency. Branch, Date Type, Start Date, End Date, Agency Status, Agency Type, Agency Name, Extra Value StaffingSupplier, Branch, AgencyID, AgencyName, ShortName, DepartmentName, Status, AgencyType, ReferenceID, StreetAddress1, StreetAddress2, City, State, ZipCode, Country, FEIN, FirstPaycheckDate, LastPaycheckDate, OutstandingTransactions, ActiveDirectDeposit, InvoicePayRequired, PaymentDelayInDays, PayBeginningDate, PayNotRequired, Net Pay (Current Year), Net Pay (Current Year – 1), Net Pay (Current Year – 2), Agency Contact Method, Agency User, Agency Date, Extra Value This report offers a very detailed summary of Agency information.
Comprehensive Assignment AQ Shows a comprehensive list of information associated with an Assignment Branch (Assignment), Date Type (Date Entered, Hire Date, First Paycheck Date, Last Paycheck Date, Paycheck Date), Start Date, End Date, Customer Name, Extra Value EmployeeID, EmployeeName, SSN, EmployeeStatus, PrimaryContact, IsW2, US Withholding Type, CustomerName, DepartmentName, JobTitle, WCCode, OrderID, OrderType, AssignmentID, AssignmentType, MarkUp, Branch, Shift, PerformanceCode, EndReason, Original StartDate, EndDate, OrderEndDate, # Days on Assignment, RegPayRate, RegBillRate, OTPayRate, OTBillRate, DTPayRate, DTBillRate, SalaryPayRate, SalaryBillRate, RecruitingCall, ReferenceCall, ArrivalCall, SecondDayCall, EndingCall, EmployeeLastPaid, AssignmentLastPaidDate, TotalBill, ResidentStreet1, ResidentStreet2, ResidentCity, ResidentState, ResidentZipCode, WorksiteStreet1, WorksiteStreet2, WorksiteCity, WorksiteState, WorksiteZipCode, WorksiteGeoCode, Agency, Extra Value, User <User Type>, Dates: <Date Type> This report offers a very detailed summary of Assignment information.
Comprehensive Contact AQ Shows a comprehensive list of information associated with a Contact Branch, Start Date, End Date Date Type, Extra Value,  ContactID, Salutation, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Title, ContactStatus, Branch, CustomerAgencyName, DepartmentName, Street1, Street2, City, State, ZipCode, Sales Level, Sales Level Notes, Industry Code, Customer Type, Competition, Lead Source, Lead Source, Contact Contact Methods, Customer Contact Methods, Contact Users, Contact Dates, Customer User, Extra Value is report offers a very detailed display of Contact information
Comprehensive Customer AQ Shows a comprehensive list of information associated with a Customer Branch (Customer), Date Type (Date Entered, First Invoice Date, Last Invoice Date, Invoice Date), Start Date, End Date, Customer Name, Entered By (User Name), Extra Value Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Status, Branch, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, Short Name, Phone #, Staffing Supplier, Account Manager, Date Entered, Entered By, Website, Sales Level, Industry Code, Customer Type, Competition, Lead Source, Lead Source Description, Credit Limit, Hold Code, Default Payment Option, Warning Value Type, Warning Value, First Invoice Date, Last Invoice Date, Invoice to Department, Invoice Style, Email Invoice To, Print Invoice?, Statement Letter Day, Billing Period, Billing Cycle, Payment Terms, Max Invoice Amount, 2016 Total Invoice, 2015 Total Invoice, 2014 Total Invoice, LTD Total Invoice Amount, Total Sales Tax Amount, Total Discount Amount, Total Payment Amount, Date of Last Invoice, AR Invoice Total Balance, AR Age 0-30 Days, AR Age 31-60 Days Total Balance, AR Age 61-90 Days Total Balance, AR Age Over 90 Days Total Balance, 2016 Total Hours, 2015 Total Hours, 2014 Total Hours, Total Expected Revenue, Referral Source, Source Detail, Agency, Agency Fee, Default WC Code, Default Mark Up  This report offers a very detailed display of Customer information including historical invoices and total hour information for annual comparison.
Comprehensive Employee AQ Shows a comprehensive list of information associated with an employee Branch (Employee), Date Type (Date Entered, Hire Date, First Paycheck Date, Last Paycheck Date, Paycheck Date),  Start Date, End Date, Employee Status, Extra Value 

Branch, Employee ID, Employee Last Name, Employee First Name, Employee Middle Name, Nickname, SSN, Employee Status, On Assignment, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, User_EEO Permission, Date of Birth, Gender, Check Delivery, Agency Name, Tax Credit Qualified?, First Paycheck Date, Last Paycheck Date, First Assignment Start Date, Is W2?, Resume?, I9?, Direct Deposit?, ACA Eligible?, Referral Source, Referral Detail, E-Verify Status, Total Wages (Current Year), Total Wages (Current Year – 1), Total Wages (Current Year – 2), Total Hours (Current Year), Total Hours ((Current Year – 1), Total Hours (Current Year – 2), Accrual Balance, Contact Method, Date Type, Entered By, Entered Date

This report gives a great summary of an employee and pulls all basic information, as well as their basic work and pay history for the past 3 years.
Comprehensive Order AQ Shows a comprehensive list of information associated with an order Branch (Order), Date Type (Date Entered, Order Start Date), Start Date, End Date, Order Status, Customer Name, Order Type, Extra Value  Order ID, Order Date Entered, Customer Name, Department Name, Main Address, Order Type, Order Status, Order Schedule Status, Job Title, Position Description, Branch, WC Code, Reg Pay Rate, Reg Bill Rate, OT Pay Rate, OT Bill Rate, DT Pay Rate, DT Bill Rate, Salary Pay Rate, Salary Bill Rate, Mark Up, Pay Period, OT Plan, Start Date, End Date, Required, Placed, Fill Ratio, Fill Ratio Percent, Fill Rate (Hours), Is Posted to Web, Shift Name, Worksite Address, Referral Source, Referral Detail, PO Number, Record Origin, Record Type, Discount, (Dynamic Population of Candidate Status Counts), SalaryRange, SalaryRangeMin, SalaryRangeMax, FeeType, Fee, FeeMin, FeeMax, FeePercent,InvoicedAmount, YetToBeBilledAmount, Career Builder Candidate Total, Career Builder Candidate Parsed,Career Builder Candidate Removed, Data Frenzy Candidate Total, Data Frenzy Candidate Parsed, Data Frenzy Candidate Removed, Order Candidates, Extra Value, BoldJobID, CustomerID, BoldCompanyID, Sales Tax, User <User Type>, Date <Date Type> This report offers a very detailed summary of the Order information and also includes some fill ratio and fill rate information to help you determine your business’ efficiency.
Customer Markup AQ Shows the Mark Up Rates for Customers Customer ID, Customer Name CustomerID, CustomerName, DepartmentName, MarkUpName, Description, RTMarkUp, OTMarkUpOption, OTMarkUp, DTMarkUpOption, DTMarkUp, IsVisible, IsDefault, DateEntered, UserName This report displays all (or specific) Customers and their respective Regular, OT and DT Mark up rates and names.
Daily Hours AQ
Details daily hours for employees
Branch (Transaction), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked, Date Worked, Start Date, End Date Staffing Supplier, Branch, Name, Accounting Period Date, Week Worked, Batch ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Order ID, Job Title, WC Code, Assignment ID, Start Date, End Date, Employee ID, Employee Name, SSN, Day Name, Date Worked, Type, Pay Unit, Pay Rate, Item Pay, Bill Unit, Bill Rate, Item Bill, Time In, Lunch Out, Lunch In, Time Out This report shows specific time clock information, as well as associated assignment, customer, pay, and bill information for each employee.
Employee Benefit AQ Details benefits enrollment for each employee 
Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Check Date), Start Date, End Date, Branch (Employee), Deduction/Benefit List
Employee Branch, Employee ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, SSN, Employee Status, Birth Date, Original Hire Date, Recent Hire Date, First Check Date, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Gender, Total Hours, Total Wages, Deduction Amount, YTD Deduction Amount, LTD Deduction Amount, Is ACA Eligible, Current Stability End Date, Measurement Start Date, Measurement End Date, Measured Type, Measurement Total Hours, Measured Eligibility, Benefit Plan Name, Benefit Plan Type This report is similar to the ACA Census AQ. It is useful for tracking healthcare eligibility as well as other benefit participation.
Employee Deduction/ Contribution List AQ Details deductions and contributions for each employee Branch, Date Type (Check Date, Date Entered, Start Date, None), Start Date, End Date, Deduction/Contribution Name Employee Branch, Employee Status, Employee ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Deduction/Contribution Type, Deduction/Contribution Name, Amount, Is Fixed Amount, Is Levy, Is Per Hour, Sequence, Percent of Gross, Percent of Net, Agency Name, Agency Address, Agency Reference Number, Deduction DI Percent, Start Date, End Date, Pay Period Limit, Monthly Limit, Yearly Limit, Lifetime Limit, Deduction Amount MTD, Deduction Amount YTD, Deduction Amount LTD, Deduction Balance, Note, Frequency, Deduction/Contribution Supplier, Flag During Payroll, Entered By, Date Entered, Last Check Date, Employee Last Assignment End Date, Deduction Max Percent of Net This report gives detailed deduction/contribution information and can be useful when checking employee payroll deductions.
Favorite Contacts AQ Lists favorite contacts User Name(s) (Optional), Branch (Contact) Group Name, Group Description, Created by User Name, Created by User Description, Contact Supplier, Contact Branch, Contact ID, Last Name,  First Name, Title, Customer/Agency Name, Contact Primary Contact Method, Contact Email Address, Street 1, City, State, Zip Code This report makes it easy to pull up a list of the contact information for your favorite contacts.
Favorite Customers AQ Lists favorite customers User Name(s) (Optional), Branch (Customer) Group Name, Group Description, Created by User Name, Created by User Description, Customer Supplier, Customer Branch, Customer ID, Customer Name, Customer Primary Contact Method, Customer Email Address, Street 1, City, State, Zip Code This report makes it easy to pull up a list of the contact information for your favorite customers.
Favorite Employees AQ Lists favorite employees User Name(s) (Optional), Branch (Employee) Group Name, Group Description, Created by User Name, Created by User Description, Employee Supplier, Employee Branch, Employee ID, First Name, Last Name, Employee Primary Contact Method, Employee Email Address, Street 1, City, State, Zip Code This report makes it easy to pull up a list of the contact information for your favorite employees.
Look Back Data Comparison AQ Compares specific column totals for two different specified time periods (week, month, quarter, year.) Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), Start Date, End Date, Column to Compare, Compare By (Week, Month, Quarter, Year), Include In Comparison (Transaction Branch, Order Type), Roll up to Root Customer. Staffing Company, Branch Name, Customer Name, Department Name, Order Type, Label, Year/Quarter/Month/Week (depending on time period specified in search parameter), Sales Rep, Service Rep, Account Manager, Entered By 

Config ChoiceCode Main Category = “CustomerUser”

SystemName = “SalesRep”, “ServiceRep”, “AccountManager”, and “EnteredBy”

This is a great report to run to track how the company is doing on various metrics over time.
PO Number Info AQ Gives information associated with a PO number Customer Name, Start Date (Assignment), End Date (Assignment), Active (Active, Inactive) Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Staffing Order ID, PO Number, PO Limit, PO Start Date, Warning Value, Amount Used, PO Remaining, Assignment ID, Employee Name, Shift, Is Active? This report is useful for getting a good general snapshot of the information associated with a PO number.
Processed Transaction Detail AQ Gives detailed information of all processed transactions Branch (Transaction), Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Check Date, Invoice Date, Week Worked), Start Date, End Date, Customer Name, SSN Staffing Supplier Desc, Transaction Branch, Accounting Period Date, Week Worked, Time Entry Batch ID, Transaction ID, Customer ID, Bill To Name, Department Name, Employee ID, SSN, Employee Name, Staffing Order ID, Assignment ID, Assignment Start Date, Assignment End Date, Check Date, Check Number, Check Branch, DD, Invoice date, Invoice Number, Invoice Branch, Pay Code, Pay Unit, Pay Rate, Item Pay, Bill Unit, Bill Rate, Item Bill, Cost Unit, Cost Rate, Item Cost, NonAdjustmentCost, Employer Contribution, RT Pay, OT Pay, DT Pay, RT Bill, OT Bill, DT Bill, Order Type, WC Code, Job Position, PO Number, Customer User: Service Rep, Customer User: Account Manager, Assignment User: Sales Rep, Assignment User: Staffing Rep This report shows a comprehensive view of all processed transactions during a specific time period.
Processed Transaction Summary AQ Gives detailed information of all processed transactions Date Type (Accounting Period Date, Week Worked), Start Date, End Date, Branch (Transaction), Customer Name, SSN Staffing Supplier Description, Transaction Branch, Accounting Period Date, Week Worked, Time Entry Batch ID, Transaction ID, Customer ID, Bill To Name, Department Name, Employee ID, SSN, Employee Name, Staffing Order ID, Assignment ID, Assignment Start Date, Assignment End Date, Check Date, Check Number, Check Branch, DD, Invoice Date, Invoice #, Invoice Branch, Total Pay, Total Bill, Bill Amount, Gross Wages, Total Adjustment Pay, Total Adjustment Bill, WC Cost, Cost WC Cost, Agency Cost, Payment Cost, Burden, Gross Profit, Gross Profit Percent, Gross Margin, Employer Taxes, Employer Contribution, Pay RT Hours, Pay OT Hours, Pay DT Hours, Pay Total Hours, Bill RT Hours, Bill OT Hours, Bill DT Hours, Bill Total Hours, RT Pay, OT Pay, DT Pay, RT Bill, OT Bill, DT Bill, Order Type, WC Code, Job Position, Total Adjustment Cost, GP Adjustment Pay, GP Adjustment Bill, GP Adjustment Cost, Sales Tax Amount, NonAdjustmentCost, WC Wage, CC Fee, Discount Amount, Rebate Amount, PO Number, Bill Other Hours, Pay Other Hours, Fed Income Tax, State Tax, FICAEE, MEDEE, Other Taxes, Customer User: Service Rep, Customer User: Account Manager, Assignment User: Sales Rep, Assignment User: Staffing Rep This report shows an extremely comprehensive view of all processed transactions during a specific time period.
Turnover AQ Details turnover rates for both positive and negative end reasons Start Date (Order Entered Date), End Date (Order Entered Date), Customer Name, Order Type Branch, Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Staffing Order ID, Order Type, Order Status, Order Schedule Status, Job Title, Shift Name, Reg Pay Rate, Reg Bill Rate, Required, Placed, Assignments Ended, End Reason Negative, End Reason Positive, Turnover Percent, Negative Turnover Percent, Positive Turnover Percent, Average Assignment Length (Days), Account Manager, Entered By, Sales Rep, Staffing Rep

This report requires mapping:

Mapping Reports and Advanced Queries

This report shows turnover rates broken out into rates of positive and negative turnover as mapped to the assignment end reasons to give you a better sense of how your employees are performing on assignments.
Web Time AQ Lists time entered by employees online Branch (Transaction), Start Date (Weekend Date), End Date (Weekend Date), Customer Name, Assignment ID Staffing Company, Branch Name, Employee ID, Employee Name, Customer Name, Department Name, Submitted Date, Submitted Time, Approved Date, Approved Time, Approved By, Imported Date, Rejected By, Rejected Date, Week End Date, Transaction Type, Assignment ID, Date Worked, Day Label, Start Time, Break In, Break Out, End Time, Date Time Entered, Bill Unit, Pay Unit, Time Entry Batch ID, Rejection Reason 1, Rejection Reason 2, Rejection Reason 3 This report is a great resource for cross-checking an employee’s entered time.

Admin User Advanced Queries

Admin User Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings Why is this AQ useful?
Audit AQ Click the Report link to see details of the Audit AQ.
Bureau of Labor Current Employment Statistics Pulls the information required for reporting Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Employment Statistics data. Supplier, Month Code, Year, Pay Period (Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, SemiMonthly, Yearly, Hourly) Staffing Supplier Desc, Pay Period, Total EE Count, Total Non Sup. EE Count, Total Female EE Count, Wages for All EE without Comm., Wages for Non Sup. EE wihout Comm., Total Comm., Non Sup. EE Comm., Total Hours for All EE, Total Hours for Non Sup. EE

This report requires mapping: 

This report makes it easy to submit Current Employment Statistics data to the Bureau of Labor Statistics every month.
Bureau of Labor Multiple Worksite Report Pulls the information required for the reporting Bureau of Labor Statistics quarterly wages data. Quarter, Year Branch Name, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, Month 1 EE Count, Month 2 EE Count, Month 3 EE Count, Quarterly Wages This report makes it easy to fill out the reporting requirements for your State or Federal Labor Statistics quarterly wage structured reports.
eDocument Audit Log AQ Logs changes made to eDocuments. Start Date (Modified), End Date (Modified), User Name, Table List, Web User FK ID, FK Name, Table Name, eDocument Type, Field, Old Value, New Value, Date Modified, Modified Time, Modified By This report allows you to track an employee’s progress on their eDocuments and see when and how all specific eDocument fields were changed.
Get System Usage Details system usage by user name User Description, Show Primary (Yes, No), Start Date, End Date ID, User Description, Table Name, Count, Show Primary, Section Details system usage by username which shows what each user is doing within the application by their User Name.
Get W2 Details AQ Shows totals for W2s and related taxes. Supplier, Year, Return Type (Detail, EE Summary, ER Summary, W2 Count) W2 Payee Count, W2 Page Count, SSN, SSN Count, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Full Name, Total Gross, Fed Taxable Gross, Fed Tax Amount, FICA Taxable Gross, FICA Tax Amount, Med Taxable Gross, Med Tax Amount, Tax States, State Taxable Gross, State Tax Amount, Local Tax Codes, Local Tax Names, Local Tax States, Local Taxable Gross, Local Tax Amount This report totals the number of W2 payees and W2 page count for a specific supplier in a specific year. If ER Summary is chosen in the parameters, the report also totals all tax types. If EE Summary is chosen in parameters, the report also totals all tax types for each employee.
Report AQ Possible Issue Lists error reasons for issues with Reports or AQs within the Reports feature. Root Staffing Supplier Title, Target Server URL, File Name, Error This report can be run to determine why a specific report is going to have issues running or with user access.
User Log Tracks the user activities in the application within the given date rante. Start Date, End Date UserName, UserGroup, LastLoginDate, LaunchApplication, Score ,Messages, EmployeeCreated, CustomerCreated, ContactCreated, OrderTempCreated, OrderDHCreated, AssignmentCreated, TimeEntryBatchesClosed, PaymentBatchesClosed, PostedPaymentBatches ,PaymentChecksCreated, BillingBatchesCreated, PostedBillingBatches, InvoicesCreated, InvoiceCorrections, ARBatches, ARBatchPayments, ARBatchPaymentInvoices, PostedARBatches, ACHPaymentBatchesCreated, ClosedAccountingPeriods Provides a great summary of activities by User
User Login Stat Log of User logins by date. Start Date (User Log Date), End Date (User Log Date) Group Name, User Name, User Description, User Log Count, Last Login Date, Is Active This report can help to determine internal productivity.
VETS 4212 Reporting AQ
Contractors and subcontractors who enter into, or modify a contract or subcontract with the federal government, and whose contract meets the criteria set forth under the 38 U.S. Code, Section 4212, codified at 41 CFR Section 31-300, must report the data that this report populates. Supplier, Branch (Employee), Date Type (Week Worked, Accounting Period Date), Start Date, End Date, Show Employee Info Show Employee Info = Yes: Employee ID, Employee Name, Veteran Status, Job Position, Mapping Job Category; Show Employee Info = No: Job Category, Protected Veterans (A), Total Employees (B), New hire Previous 12 Months Protected Veterans (C), New Hire Previous 12 Months Total Employees (D) This report makes it easy to report the VETS 4212 data
View Greenshades Errors AQ Greenshades Errors
W2 Manual Modifications Utility AQ W2 Manual modifications
WC Cost by Claim Type AQ WC Cost by Claim Type
Workers Comp Claim Detail AQ Audit AQ

Management User Advanced Queries

Management User Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters

Fields/Configuration Settings

Why is this AQ useful?
Bureau of Labor Current Employment Statistics Bureau of Labor Current Employment Statistics
Bureau of Labor Multiple Worksite Report Pulls the information required for the reporting Bureau of Labor Statistics quarterly wages data. Quarter, Year Branch Name, Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Code, Month 1 EE Count,
Month 2 EE Count, Month 3 EE Count, Quarterly Wages
This report makes it easy to fill out the reporting requirements for your State or Federal Labor Statistics quarterly wage structured reports.
Client Evaluation Results AQ See details of the Client Evaluation Results AQ.
Comprehensive Assignment AQ See details of the Comprehensive Assignment AQ.
Comprehensive Customer AQ See details of the Comprehensive Customer AQ.
Comprehensive Employee AQ See details of the Comprehensive Employee AQ.
Comprehensive Order AQ See details of the Comprehensive Order AQ.

Federal EEO Reporting AQ

This report requires mapping

See details of the Federal EEO Reporting AQ.
Job Order Metrics AQ See details of the Job Order Metrics AQ.
Look Back Data Comparison AQ See details of the Look Back Data Comparison AQ.
Referral Source AQ See details of the Referral Source AQ.
Revenue Opportunity AQ Shows revenue opportunities from potential sales. Branch (Customer), Date Type (Expected Close Date, Revenue End Date), Start Date, End Date, Customer Name, User Name Staffing Company, Branch Name, Opportunity Name, Description, Sales Status, Expected Revenue, Revenue
Period, Revenue Competition, Sales Close Level, Expected Close Date, Revenue Start Date, Revenue End Date, Customer ID, Customer Name, Department Name, Customer Status, Lead Source, Contact Name, User Name, Staffing Order ID, Sales Level, Expected Sales, Weekly Amount, Last Message Date, Last Message Action, First Invoice Date

Need a Customer Contact Method with the SystemName = Email and Customer Contact Role with SystemName = Sales
This report is a useful tool for forecasting future revenue and determining recent sales activity.
Staffing Action AQ Click the Report link to see details of the Staffing Action AQ.
Turnover AQ Click the Report link to see details of the Turnover AQ.
VETS 4212 Reporting AQ Click the Report link to see details of the VETS 4212 Reporting AQ. 

Sales User Advanced Queries

Sales User Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings Why is this AQ useful?
Favorite Contacts AQ See details of the Favorite Contacts AQ.
Favorite Customers AQ See details of the Favorite Customers AQ.
Favorite Employees AQ See details of the Favorite Employees AQ.
Revenue Opportunity AQ See details of the Revenue Opportunity AQ.

Advanced Queries for All Users

Advanced Queries for All Users

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings  Why is this AQ useful?
Accrual Balance as of Today AQ Shows employee accrual information as of the day this report is run. Branch (Employee), Accrual Plan, On Assignment, Show Balance > Than Employee ID, SSN, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Branch, On Assignment, Is W2, Accrual Plan, Rate, Rate Based On, Balance Unit, Accrual Date Entered, Date Based On, Pay Period Limit, Yearly Limit, Accrual Start Date, Active, Last Pay Rate, Last Week Worked, Customer Name Lasted Worked. This report is an easy way to pull up accrual balance information for employees from today’s date.
Accrual History AQ Shows employee accrual history information. Date Type (Check Date, Accounting Period Date), Branch (Check), Accrual Plan, Show Details, Start Date, End Date Employee ID, SSN, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Check Number, Check Date, Gross Amount, Net Amount, Accrual Plan, Previous Balance, Accrued Unit, Deplete Unit, New Balance, Last Pay Rate, Week Worked This report is useful to see an employee’s accrual information over time from each pay period.
AQ_SMTP Email Issues AQ Issues with emails. Start Date (Date Created), End Date (Date Created) User Name, To, From, CC, BCC, Subject, Body, Status, Date Created, Invoice Number This report can be used to make sure there are no errors when sending out important emails.

ACA Queries

ACA Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings Why is this AQ useful?
ACA Census   Branch (Transaction), Start Week Worked, End Week Worked, HealthCare Code, Show Summary

EmployeeID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, SSN, EmployeeStatus, EmployeeBranch, BirthDate, OriginalHireDate, RecentHireDate, FirstCheckDate, RecentCheckDate, EffectiveInsuranceDate, AssignmentMaxEndDate, Street1, Street2, City, State, Zipcode, Country, Gender, PrimaryContactMethod, EmployeeCellPhone, EmployeeEmail, TotalWages, TotalHours, DeductionAmount, BenefitAmount, IsACAEligible, CurrentStabilityPeriodEndDate, MeasurementStartDate, MeasurementEndDate, MeasuredType, MeasurementTotalHours, MeasuredEligibility, ReasonForDeactivation, OnAssignment, Select

This report is useful for tracking healthcare eligibility as well as other benefit participation. It is also a great resource to report data to insurance brokers.
ACA Companion Census AQ   Start Date, End Date, Date Type, Employer, SSN end with, Show All Measurements, Exclude Non W2 Employees EmployeeID, SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Branch, ACAEligibility, EmployeeStatus, OnAssignment, LastCheckDate, DateOfBirth, Gender, Phone, Email, AddressStreet, AddressCity, AddressStateorProvinceCode, AddressCountryCode, AddressPostalCode, EmployerName, EmployerIdentificationNumber, FirstWorkedDate, TerminatedDate, MeasurementType, MeasurementPeriodStartDate, MeasurementPeriodEndDate, MeasurementPeriodTotalHours, MeasurementEligibility, StabilityPeriodStartDate, StabilityPeriodEndDate, MostRecentEligibilityStatusDeclaration, MostRecentOffferedDate, MostRecentOfferedBenefitPackage, MostRecentOfferedStatus  
ACA Companion Declination Export  

Form Batch, Branch


ReportingYear, EmployerCode, EmployeeSSN, MemberCode, MemberFirstName, MemberLastName, MemberSSN, MemberDOB, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec  
ACA Companion Employee Offers Displays a list of all offers made in the ACA Companion Application. Start Date, End Date, Date Type, Branch, Benefit Package EmployerName, SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, BenefitPackage, OfferedDate, AcceptOrDecline, InsurancePlanOrDeclinationReason, StartDate, EndDate, LastCheckDate, LastAssignmentEndDate, EmployeeIDs, Branches, EmployeeStatuses Allows users to audit and review insurance offers entered into the ACA Companion Application for accuracy.
ACA Companion Employee Primary Address Error   N/A Error, EmployeeID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, SiteName, StaffingSupplierCode, Status, SSN, Street1, Street2, City, State, ZipCode, GeoCode, CountryCode  
ACA Companion Employee Sync SSN Errors   Lookup Criteria, Paycheck Year Error, SSN, EmployeeGroupID, EmployeeID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Street1, Street2, City, State, ZipCode, GeoCode, SiteName, StaffingSupplierCode, Status, LastCheckDate, PrimaryRecord  
ACA Companion Insurance Offers AQ Displays a list of all offers made in the ACA Companion Application.  Start Date, End Date, Date Type, Employer, SSN end with, Show Dependents EmployeeIDs, SSN, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, AddressStreet, AddressCity, AddressStateOrProvinceCode, AddressCountryCode, AddressPostalCode, OnAssignment, LastCheckDate, MostRecentEligibilityStatusDeclaration, BenefitPackageName, OfferedByEmployerName, OfferedByEmployerIdentificationNumber, OfferedDate, HealthInsurancePlanName, HealthInsurancePlanProviderName, AcaOfferOfCoverageCode, SafeHarborCode, IsSelfInsured, IncludesSpouse, IncludesDependents, IsMinimumEssentialCoverage, IsMinimumValue, EnrollmentDate, CoverageStartDate, CoverageEndDate, DeclinationStartDate, DeclinationEndDate, DeclinationReason Allows users to audit and review all insurance offers entered into the ACA Companion Application for accuracy.
ACA Employee Sync Error Import   ImportExportBatchGUID    
Get ACA EOY Reporting Errors   Supplier Year    
ACA Companion Finalize Initial Setup        
ACA Export - Nelco        
ACA Import        
ACA Import Employee Status Declarations        
ACA Insert Employee 1095-C Overrides        
Standard AQ - Get employee 1095-C info        


Canadian Advanced Queries

Canadian Advanced Queries

Name Description Parameters Fields/Configuration Settings
Get Employee T4 Details AQ A T4, akin to an American W2, provides employee tax information. The T4_CA offers a detailed look at the tax associated with a supplier's employees. Branch (Employee), Year, SIN

YearID, Supplier Desc, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Street1, Street2, City, Provience, Country, Postal Code, SIN, Email, CPP QPP Exempt (28), EI Exempt (28), PIP Exempt (28), Provience of Employment (10), Employment Code (29), Employment Income (14), Income Tax (22), CPP Contribution (16), EI Insurable Earnings (24), Employee QPP Contribution (17), CPP/QPP Pensionable Earnings (26), EI Premium (18), Union Dues (44), RPP Contribution (20), Charitable Donation (46), Pension Adjustment (52), RPP DPSP Registration Number (50), Employee PPIP Premiums (55), PPIP Insurable Earnings (56), EmploymentIncome_Code57, EmploymentIncome_Code58, EmploymentIncome_Code59, EmploymentIncome_Code60, Box 1, Box 1 Amount, Box 2, Box 2 Amount, Box 3, Box 3 Amount, Box 4, Box 4 Amount, Box 5, Box 5 Amount, Box 6, Box 6 Amount


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