Invoice - Summary

Summary information for a particular invoice can be viewed in the Invoice section of Back Office. An invoice must be selected through the Search function before viewing it in the Summary area.



The Summary pane features a set of Invoice Summary fields as well as a selection of Shortcuts for performing actions.



Invoice Summary

Field Description
Invoice Number The unique ID assigned to the invoice.
Invoice Amount The dollar amount of the invoice.
SalesTax Amount The dollar amount of sales tax on the invoice.
DiscountAmount The dollar amount of a discount applied to an invoice.
Finance Charge The finance charge applied to the invoice if payment is received after the due date.
Balance Amount The amount remaining on the invoice.
Customer Name The customer being invoiced.
Department Name The department sending the invoice.
Branch Name The branch sending the invoice to the customer.
Invoice Date The date the invoice was generated.
BatchID The unique ID assigned to the invoice batch.
Due Date The date the invoice is due.
Transaction Count The amount of transactions associated with the invoice.
Payment terms A description of payment conditions.
Email Status Shows whether an email has been sent or not




Option Description
View Invoice Generates a PDF view of the invoice.


If a payment is made to the invoice AFTER the statement letter has been generated, the invoice will be included in the statement letter and will be shown as "unpaid." 

For example: If a statement letter was sent out on 3/15 and a payment was made to the invoice on 3/16, the payment will not be reflected on the statement letter because the payment was added after the statement was generated.

View Customer Generates the Front Office view of the client's Customer > Summary page.
Invoice Correction

Opens the Invoice Correction window enabling edits to be made on an invoice.

For more details, visit the Invoice Corrections article.

Email Invoice

Opens a draft email message with a copy of the invoice attached as a PDF. Enter or edit content in the Email fields and any text in the email body, then click Send & Close.



Note: If emails are sent to unintended recipients, ensure the unintended address is removed from the drop-down menu selection rather than just the "To" field.

To email multiple invoices, visit the Invoice > Search > Save or Email Invoices article.



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