Customer Order Options

The Order Option item of the Customer section allows users to specify WC Codes for specific customers as well as set markup and pay rates.

Note: If a temp order is created on a WcCode's expiration date, the default WcCode will not appear in the drop down. The Config Option AllowEditCustomerMarkup must be set to "True" to add/edit any order options (including markups) for an order at the customer level.



WC Tab
Set Up a WC Code for a Customer
MarkUp Tab
Add a MarkUp
Delete a MarkUp
Using the Calculation Example
Switch MarkUp
Shift Tab
Add a Shift
PO Tab
Add a PO Number
UnAssociated PO Number
Edit/Set Default PO Number
PO Number for each Individual Employee
Job Rate Tab
Job Position Tab
Contract Tab
Discount Tab
Add a Discount
Edit a Discount
Customer Discount Tier



WC Tab

The MarkUp tab allows users to set the mark up rates for a specific customer. To add a new markup:



Add a MarkUp

  1. Click on the New MarkUp button on the upper-left corner of the tab.

  2. Select the mark up you want to use from the MarkUp Name drop down menu in the MarkUp Name group.

  3. Enter or edit your description in the MarkUp Description field.

  4. From the MarkUp setup group, set the parameters of the markup by completing the following fields:

    Field Description
    Reg MarkUp Enter the regular time MarkUp for this customer.
    OT MarkUp Enter the overtime MarkUp for this customer.
    DT MarkUp Enter the double-time MarkUp for this customer.
    OT Pay Enter the employee's overtime pay rate.
    DT Pay Enter the employee's double-time pay rate.
    Calculate OT bill based Set the method for calculating the overtime billing rate.
    Calculate DT bill based Set the method for calculating the double-time billing rate.
  5. After you have finished entering your data, click the Save MarkUp button on the upper-left corner of the tab to save and add the mark up to the grid.



Delete a MarkUp

To delete an entry, right-click it and select the Delete MarkUp(s) option.


Using the Calculation Example

The Calculation Example illustrates the relationship between the bill and pay rate of a given value. To use the Calculation Example:

  1. Select either Pay Rate or Bill Rate from the drop-down menu on the upper-left hand corner of the Calculation Example group.

  2. Once the rate has been selected, enter the value to calculate in the adjacent field.

  3. After these fields have been entered, click the Calculate button to populate the rate fields below the button.



Switch MarkUp

Change the type of markup applied to a particular order from the MarkUp tab.
  1. Right-click the MarkUp on the grid to modify. 


  2. The Switch MarkUp window generates. Select the MarkUp to be changed from the Switch From drop-down menu.
    Note: This menu will have defaulted to the MarkUp associated with the entry you right-clicked on in the Mark Up tab grid.

  3. Select the order to be modified from the Orders group on the bottom half of the window.

  4. Once the appropriate order has been chosen, select the new MarkUp for this order from the Switch To drop-down menu.

  5. Click Finish to save and return to the MarkUp tab.

Shift Tab

The Shift tab of Order Options allows you to set the parameters for the shifts employees will work for a particular customer.


Add a Shift

  1. Navigate to the bottom row under the Shift Name column and enter, or select from the drop-down, the name of the shift you plan to add. Press Tab to save and move to the next column.

  2. After pressing Tab, enter a description for the shift in the Description column.

  3. Enter the time that the shift begins in the Start Time column.

  4. Enter the time that the shift concludes in the End Time column.

  5. Enter the amount of time the employee has for break in the Break Hours column.
    Note: Break hours are entered as fractions of an hour. So if an employee has 30 minutes for break, that will be expressed as .5 in the Break Hours column.
  6. At this point you can set the shift to an active status by checking the corresponding box in the Active column.

  7. To set this entry as your default shift, check the corresponding box in the IsDefault column.
Note: The Total Hours column will automatically calculate the total hours of the shift once the Start Time, End Time, and Break Hours columns have been filled out.  Edit an entry at any time by clicking the field in the grid you want to edit and entering your changes.


PO Tab

The PO (Purchase Order) tab allows to create and edit purchase order numbers.


Add a PO Number

  1. Click the PO side tab in the Customer Order Options section.

  2. Click on the Create New PO Number Button in the upper-left corner of the window. This displays the Add/Edit Customer PO Number window.

  3. From the Add/Edit Customer PO Number window enter the following information:

    Field Description
    PONumber Assigned Purchase Order number.
    Description A description of the purchase order.
    Start Date The date the purchase order will begin.
    End Date The date the purchase order will conclude.
    Expiration Date The date the purchase order will expire.
    Warning Date A date to be warned that the purchase ordering will be ending soon.
    Percentage When marked, the warning value is expressed as a percentage rather than a dollar amount.
    Warning Value A value to indicate that the purchase order will soon be out of funds.
    Active Checking this box makes the PO number an active option in the system.
  4. Click Finish to save and return to the PO tab.

Note: These numbers can now be used in Customer Back Office Setup - Billing Setup(Email invoice to) and Order Detail.

UnAssociated PO Number

A Purchase Order Number may exist in a database, but might not be associated to a customer or order. If the unassociated number is known, the UnAssociated PO Number button can be used to manually associate the PO Number with a customer. 

Edit/Set Default PO Number

To edit a PO number that's already been entered click on the Edit button on the far right-hand side of the tab.


The Add/Edit Customer PO Number window opens, allowing edits to the data.


To set a PO number as a default, check the box in the IsDefault column that corresponds to the PO number that will become the default. 

The Job Rate tab of the Order Options item allows you to determine pay and bill rates for particular jobs. To create a new job position rate:

  1. Click the New Job Position Rate button on the upper left-hand corner of the tab.

  2. In the Job Position Rate Info group:

    1. Select a Job Position from the drop-down menu.

    2. Select a Shift Name from the drop-down menu.

    3. Select a MarkUp Name from the drop-down menu. If the options in the drop-down do not fit the parameters for the job position, leave this field blank and fill out the Pay/Bill Rates group.

  3. If a special pay or bill rate for this position is needed, the Pay/Bill Rates group will allow data entry:

    Field Description
    Pay Rate Employee's pay rate.
    Bill Rate Rate at which the customer will be billed.
    OT Pay Rate Employee's overtime rate of pay.
    OT Bill Rate Rate at which the customer will be billed for overtime.
    DT Pay Rate Double time rate for the employee.
    DT Bill Rate Rate at which the customer will be billed for double time.

The Job Position tab enables the association of a specific position with a WC code. 


  1. Select a job title from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the Job Title column.

    Note: Items can be added to this drop-down menu from the Admin Tools: Skill Code area.
  2. Choose a WC code from the adjacent WcCode column.

  3. Delete an entry by right-clicking the row to be deleted then choose the Delete Job Position(s) option.

Contract Tab

The Contract tab on Order Options allows to copy and paste, or free type, information into a text field. 
The Discount tab enables users to enter and set the parameters for, order discounts. 


Add a Discount

Complete these fields to add a discount:


Additional Information

Discount Type

The type of discount to apply.

The options for this drop-down list can be configured in Admin Tools. For more information on configuring discount types visit Admin Tools: Discount Types

Description This will be defaulted to the value associated with the Discount Type option, however it can be modified by highlighting the cell and typing in the value you want.  
Percent or Amount The value of the discount as either dollar value or as a percentage.  
Tier Based On Determines whether the discount will be based on the total hours or the total bill.  
Tier Range Type Determines the time range of the discount.  
Start Date The date that the discount will begin.  
End Date The date that the discount will conclude.  
CopyToOrder Copies the discount to an order.  



Set up parameters of a customer discount in the Customer Discount Tier group.  


Select the discount from the grid at the top of the page then enter information into the fields:


Field Description
Lower Limit Enter the lower end of the discount tier here. This is the amount where the discount begins.
Upper Limit Enter the upper limit of the discount tier here. This is the amount where the discount will cease.
Value Enter the value of the discount here. Value can be expressed as either a percentage or an amount. This is determined from the Percent Or Amount column in the grid at the top of the page.



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