Updated 09/16/2021
The Extra item of the Agency section is used to record auxiliary data regarding the Agency.

Add a new Extra Field
- Click on the Admin Tools button
- Click on Config Choice
- Click the Add New button
- Fill out the fields for adding a new Field
- Category Type: AgencyExtra
- Choice Code: (Type the new Extra field name)
- Description: (Type a brief description of the field
- Select (Locations): Select the Branches/Locations that should have access to this
- Click 'Save'
- It is recommended to restart the application to see the changes
- It is recommended to restart the application to see the changes
Add options to the Drop Down
This will allow the fields to be listed in their respective sections
- Click on the Admin Tools button
- Click on Config Choice
- Click on ChoiceProperty Tab
- Type (or select): AgencyExtra
- Choose an option in the 'ChoiceCode' Column
- Example of some of the options available
- Note: You can have the same Choice in multiple sections
Choice Name Choice Category # of Employees Misc Business Code Misc
- Note: You can have the same Choice in multiple sections
- Example of some of the options available
- Determine if you want the new field to be available to specific, or all, Branches
- To apply to all Branches
- Click Apply changes to all Branches
- Click Go
- To apply to specific Branches
- Individual Branch
- Select a Branch from the 'Select Branch' dropdown menu
- Select a Branch from the 'Branch' column in the results
- Individual Branch
- To apply to all Branches
- Scroll to the right, to see the 'ValueList' and 'ValueType' fields
- Hover over the 'ValueList' to see all the options:
- Hover over the 'ValueList' to see all the options:
- Click into the record you want to edit
- To add a new value
- Go to the end of the list of values
- Type the new option
- Must have a comma before each option
- Do not include spaces after the comma
- Example: ,HOME
- Example: ,HOME
- Click on another field and then a pop up will appear
- Asks if you want to apply the change to all Branches
- Yes = All Branches
- No = Only the Branch you made the change on
- Asks if you want to apply the change to all Branches
- To remove an option
- Click on the values in the 'ValueList'
- Remove the options you don't want
- Make sure there are no spaces after commas
- Verify there isn't a comma at the end of the options
- Click on another field and then a pop up will appear
- Asks if you want to apply the change to all Branches
- Yes = All Branches
- No = Only the Branch you made the change on
- Asks if you want to apply the change to all Branches
- To add a new value
- Once done, please restart the application
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