Agency Extra


Updated 09/16/2021
The Extra item of the Agency section is used to record auxiliary data regarding the Agency. 



Add a new Extra Field

  1. Click on the Admin Tools button


  2. Click on Config Choice


  3. Click the Add New button


  4. Fill out the fields for adding a new Field
    1. Category Type: AgencyExtra
    2. Choice Code: (Type the new Extra field name)
    3. Description: (Type a brief description of the field
    4. Select (Locations): Select the Branches/Locations that should have access to this
    5. Click 'Save'
      1. It is recommended to restart the application to see the changes




Add options to the Drop Down

This will allow the fields to be listed in their respective sections

  1. Click on the Admin Tools button


  2. Click on Config Choice


  3. Click on ChoiceProperty Tab


  4. Type (or select): AgencyExtra


  5. Choose an option in the 'ChoiceCode' Column
    1. Example of some of the options available
      1. Note: You can have the same Choice in multiple sections

        Choice Name Choice Category
        # of Employees Misc
        Business Code Misc


  6. Determine if you want the new field to be available to specific, or all, Branches
    1. To apply to all Branches
      1. Click Apply changes to all Branches
      2. Click Go


    2. To apply to specific Branches
      1. Individual Branch
        1. Select a Branch from the 'Select Branch' dropdown menu
        2. Select a Branch from the 'Branch' column in the results


  7. Scroll to the right, to see the 'ValueList' and 'ValueType' fields
    1. Hover over the 'ValueList' to see all the options:


  8. Click into the record you want to edit
    1. To add a new value
      1. Go to the end of the list of values
      2. Type the new option
        1. Must have a comma before each option
        2. Do not include spaces after the comma
            1. Example:       ,HOME

      3. Click on another field and then a pop up will appear
        1. Asks if you want to apply the change to all Branches
          1. Yes = All Branches
          2. No = Only the Branch you made the change on


    2. To remove an option
      1. Click on the values in the 'ValueList'
      2. Remove the options you don't want
        1. Make sure there are no spaces after commas
        2. Verify there isn't a comma at the end of the options
      3. Click on another field and then a pop up will appear
        1. Asks if you want to apply the change to all Branches
          1. Yes = All Branches
          2. No = Only the Branch you made the change on


  9. Once done, please restart the application


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