Essential StaffCARE - Export/Import

Essential StaffCARE (ESC) is a health/dental/life insurance program offered by the company Planned Administrators, Inc. (PAI).  It consists of two separate feeds in Avionté, an export and an import.


Export File

This is an export feed generated from Avionté from within Weekly Process on the Export/Import tab.



It generates a file containing data about every employee who was paid in Avionté within the Accounting Period you specify.  Once this file is generated, you will send it to PAI through a secure FTP.

If they had ESC deductions taken out during the accounting period, the sum of those deductions will be included on their line on this file; otherwise, it is just general data about the employee and their pay info.


Import File

This is a file that will be generated by PAI and sent to you that will need to be imported into Avionté.  It is loaded using the Import/Export form in the main tree.  The import will make changes to Avionté’s Employee > Deduction Setup section when those changes are required by PAI.

    • Note: employees will only show up on the Import file when their insurance coverage is being added, deleted, or changed.  If their coverage will not be changed in a given week, they will be omitted from the Import file entirely for that week.


Import Process


  1. Navigate to Back Office > Import Export.
  2. Click New Batch.
  3. Enter in a description for the batch run.
  4. Select the Processing method of ESC/PAI Import.
  5. Browse for the file you have on your computer that you are going to be importing.
    1. Note: A run-time error will populate if the file you are importing is open on your computer. Be sure to close the file before attempting to import.
  6. If there are import parameters, enter them in the Parameter section. 
  7. Click Finish.


  • Click “Process Import Export Batch”. If there were any errors, a grid will pop up showing all the lines from the import file, and any lines with errors will have a plus sign at the far left of the row.  Expand out the plus sign to see the error.
    • Note: Nothing will be imported until the file is 100% error free.
  • If you have any errors, resolve them in Avionte or on the import file, then try your import again. If you made any changes to the file itself, you will have to discard your import/export batch and make a new batch for the changed file.
    • Common errors:
      • Invalid or Missing Mapping: Map this transaction type in Admin Tools > Import Export Mapping on the Mapping Type Data, then reprocess the file.
      • Employee with this SSN not found within a branch with this location code: Check the employee record and verify that it is within its proper branch. If it is, change the location code on the import file to the location code of that proper branch.  Save this new file, discard your import export batch, then create a new one from the new file.
  • If the file import ran successfully, you will get a message letting you know that the import was successful, and the import export batch will automatically be closed.


Mapping Type Data Tab

Upon set up, you will be provided with Essential StaffCARE terms and asked to ‘map’ these codes to Avionté standards. This is how the Import will know what transaction type to map the employees’ deduction to.ESCMapping_4.png


Importing Multiple Suppliers

We support the import of medical, dental, and life insurance deductions for an employee that spans across multiple suppliers. This new feed will allow you to import the employees' insert, update, and delete transactions across all of their suppliers. 

Using the ESC MEC import, there is an option that will insert or deactivate the deductions for employee records across all suppliers.

If an employee enrolls for health care benefits and the import is run, the deduction(s) should be inserted on all employee records across all suppliers.

If an employee cancels their health care benefits and the import is run, the deduction(s) should be deactivated on all employee records across all suppliers.



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