Messages and links (Recruiter Module)


Updated 08/02/2021


Messages QuickView
Message Categories
Message Links
View Linked Records
View a Message
Add a New Message
Edit an Existing Message



Messages QuickView

The Messages QuickView provides a list of all messages associated with the selected Talent card. Messages logged in either the Core Application or Recruiter Module are displayed in the Messages QuickView.


Clicking on Messages in the current card will display all messages associated with the current record in the Messages QuickView.  


Each message displays the name of the message creator and is stamped with the date it was created. Messages in the QuickView are sorted in reverse chronological order according to the message creation date.



Message Categories

When working with a message in the Message sections of the Core Application, one of three categories (“Messages”, “Appointments”, and “Tasks”) can be assigned to that message via the Make This drop-down menu. When viewing a message in the Recruiter Module, the message's category is displayed in the message header, alongside the activity type, when viewed in the Recruiter Module.


All messages created in the Recruiter Module are logged as the “Message” message category.  



Message Links

Messages created in the Core Application can be linked to other records in the system, but this functionality is limited in the Recruiter Module.  New messages logged in the Recruiter Module are created with the following record links:

Section Name

Default Record Link(s) in New Message

Talent Card

Employee Record

Order Card

Order Record, Customer Record

Candidate Card

Order Record, Employee Record

Company Card

Customer Record

Contact Card

Contact Record


It is not possible to link a message to any other records via the Recruiter Module.



View Linked Records

Links to records that the Recruiter Module can access are displayed as hyperlinks in the message links field, sorted by section.  Messages that are linked to a record that the Recruiter Module can’t display are shown as normal text.


Links to records accessible by the Recruiter Module are presented in two ways, depending on the number of linked records per category:


View linked record in a message (single link)

A message that links to a single record in a section displays the record name as a hyperlink.

Select the desired hyperlink to open the linked record in a new browser tab.



View linked record in a message (multiple links)

A message that links to multiple records in a section will display a link labeled as “Show all XX”, where XX is the number of linked records in the category.

  1. Select the desired “Show all XX” hyperlink to expand the links field and view all linked records in that section.  

  2. Select the link in the expanded field to open the linked record in a new browser tab.



View a Message

  1. Select the body text of a message in the QuickView.

  2. The View message window is displayed. This is a read-only view of the message.

  3. Click Close to close the window.  



Add a New Message

  1. Select Messages from the current card.

  2. Select the  button. The Add message window is displayed.


  3. From the Message type drop-down menu, select the appropriate message type.  
    Note: The items that appear in this menu can be customized.  See the Add an Action Type help article for more information about how to configure the options available in this menu.

  4. In the Subject field, enter a short subject line for the message.

  5. In the Message field, enter the message content.

  6. When finished, select the Done button to save the message.  



Edit an Existing Message

The ability to edit a message depends on the permissions that have been configured for the current user in the Core Application. For more information about the user permissions required to edit messages created by other users, see Config Option - AllowEditMessage.


  1. Select Messages from the current card.

  2. Tap the message’s title or hover the mouse cursor over the title bar of the message to be edited.  The Edit icon will appear if the message can be edited.

  3. Select the Edit icon . This will open the Edit message window.

  4. Edit the message type and message content as desired.

  5. Select Done to save the edited message.



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