Adding Employee Accrual Plans

This article is part of series that describes processing sick leave for employees.



Auto-Insert Accrual Plan
Auto-Insert Exception Setup
Auto-Inserting the Accrual Plan to the Employee

Viewing Employee Accrual Plans
Adding the Accrual Plan manually



Note: Information may vary per State. Please consult your local, state, federal laws and/or legal counsel to ensure full compliance.


Avionté has created Advanced Queries (AQ) focused on sick leave that are designed to make it easier to manage accrual plans and maintain accuracy. They will help to determine employee eligibility and if the employee has a gap in employment. It is recommended that these sick leave AQs are run on a regular basis.


For information about accrual setup in Admin Tools, visit the Accruals Setup - Admin Tools article.  

The reports can be requested from Avionté Tech Services.



Auto-Insert Accrual Plan

To have standard active sick leave plans inserted automatically on the employee accrual when closing a time entry batch:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = System

  2. Double-click Config Option. The System | Config Option window displays. 


  3. Click the Config Option By FKName tab.

  4. In the Property column search cell, type "AFterTimeEntryBatchCloseSP"

  5. Enter "STD_InsertEmployeeAccrual_Sickleave" into the ConfigOptionValue cell to the corresponding employer.

  6. Tab off the field to save the value. When time entry batches are closed, employee accruals will now add automatically. 



Auto-Insert Exception Setup

This section explains how to auto-insert an accrual plan. In the event a standard, Avionte-delivered accrual plan is listed/active, there is a supplier property available that acts as an override stopping the typical accrual plan from automatically being installed to an employee's record at the time a Time Entry batch is closed. 

The system will look only at the active accrual plans in Admin Tools, so if they don't ever want a specific sick leave plan used (one of the CA ones for instance as they have so many different versions), then they would inactivate the ones they do not want added under an employee's record.


For instance if you are using a sick leave plan for a given area that at minimum meets the requirements (or it may even be better/more generous), you may not want the system to auto-insert the sick leave accrual plan it thinks needs to be added because you are using a different one. 


Supplier / Employer

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer
  2. Double-click an Employer name.

  3. Under the Accrual Plan tab, search for any sick leave plan you wish to have remain intact, even in the event the system tries to apply an accrual plan at the time a Time Entry batch is closed.
    Note: It is important that the name of the city and/or the name of the county in the description field be spelt correctly as this drives the auto assigning of the accrual plan for the employee.


  4. Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer
  5. Under the Detail tab, in the Supplier Properties field, enter "SickLeaveAccrualPlanName" into the Property column search cell to search for the supplier property.


  6. Mouse over the corresponding cell in the Value column to reveal the Edit button. Click Edit. The value editing window displays.


  7. Add any sick plan that you would like to exclude from auto assigning at the employee level “” by entering the Accrual Plan name (found from the Accrual Plan tab), and separate the values with a comma if entering multiple plans.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Save.



  1. Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer

  2. Double-click an Employer name.

  3. Click on the Branch Tab

  4. Click on the Add/Edit button


  5. In Supplier Properties, enter "SickLeaveAccrualPlanName" into the Property column search cell to search for the supplier property. 
  6. Under the Accrual Plan tab, search for any sick leave plan you wish to have remain intact, even in the event the system tries to apply an accrual plan at the time a Time Entry batch is closed.


  7. Mouse over the corresponding cell in the Value column to reveal the Edit button. Click Edit.
    1. The value editing window displays.


  8. Add any sick plan "exceptions" (found from the Accruals tab), and separate the values with a comma. 

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Save.



Auto-Inserting the Accrual Plan to the Employee

If the employee meets the accrual plan criteria, once the batch is closed in Time Entry (hours need to be assigned to the employee), the application will auto-insert the accrual plan to the employee’s record.



Viewing Employee Accrual Plans

Once the correct sick leave plan has been determined, apply it to the employee's record.

  1. Navigate to the Employee section.

  2. Perform a search for the employee that the accrual plan will be applied to.

  3. Navigate to Payroll > Accrual.
    Note: if you don’t see the accrual plan at first, please do an Actions > Refresh.


Adding the Accrual Plan manually

Once the correct sick leave plan has been determined, here are the steps to applying the plan manually to the employee's record.

  1. Navigate to the Employee section.


  2. Perform a search for the employee that the accrual plan will be applied to.


  3. Navigate to Payroll > Accrual.

  4. Click New Accrual.


  5. From the Accrual Plan field, select the desired plan.


  6. In the Start Date field, select the date when the accrual plan starts.

  7. From the Yearly Date Type, select Anniversary Date or Calendar Date. The Anniversary date sets the beginning of the employee's accrual period to the Yearly Date selected in the Yearly Date field. The Calendar date will use 1/1 of the following year as the date to reset the accrual each year. 

  8. In the Yearly Date field, select the date that you want the employee's accrual plan to renew each year. This sets the beginning of the employee's accrual period to the day they began working in that locality. If Calendar Date is selected as the Yearly Date Type, the Yearly Date will be disregarded and 1/1 will be used as the yearly renewal date.

  9. Click Save Accrual.




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