Accrual plans are set up in two areas of the Avionté application - Admin Tools and Main Menu.
Once an Accrual Plan is created in Admin Tools, the created plan can then be applied to an Employee or Customer in the Main Menu.
After creating an Accrual Plan with the steps below, visit the Accruals Setup - Main Menu to apply the accrual plan to an Employee or Customer.
Admin Tools - Config Options
Set Up Config Options
Admin Tools - Form
Admin Tools - Create an Accrual Plan
Sub Tab - Accrual Plan
Accrual Plan Examples
Accrual Plan Accrue sub tab
Accrual Plan Deplete sub tab
Locality Configuration sub tab
Admin Tools - Config Options
Two config options, AllowEditEmployeeAccrual and AllowEditCustomerAccrual must be configured to give a user the ability to administrate accruals in the Avionté application.
AllowEditEmployeeAccrual |
AllowEditCustomerAccrual |
Set Up Config Options
- Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = System > Config Option
- Click the Config Option By FKName tab.
- Enter "accrual" in the search cell of the Property column
- Click on the name of the config option in the Property column.
- Select AllowEditEmployeeAccrual to grant a user or group of users the ability to edit an employee.
- Select AllowEditCustomerAccrual to grant a user or group of users the ability to edit a customer.
- In the Apply To area, search for a user or group of users that will have the capability of editing an employee's Accrual Plan.
- In the Select column, place a check in the box for the corresponding user.
- Press the Tab button on the keyboard to save the checkmark.
Admin Tools - Form
Accrual options are made available in the Main Menu with the use of Admin Tools > Form. The Accrual Main Menu options will be displayed in:
- Employee > Payroll > Accruals
- Customer > Accrual Plan
- Admin Tools (Form)
Admin Tools - Create an Accrual Plan
To create an Accrual Plan, values are installed in a company's Supplier Administration - Accrual Plan tab.
The Supplier Administration - Accruals tab is categorized into three sub-tabs:
- Sub Tab - Accrual Plan: The fields in this sub-tab are used to define basic values for the plan - Description, Rate Type, Yearly Limit, etc.
- Sub Tab - Accrual Plan Accrue: The fields in this sub-tab are used to select Paycode Transaction Types that define how hours are accumulated in a plan. Accrual Paycode Transaction Types include Reg, OT, DT, and Salary.
Sub Tab - Accrual Plan Deplete: The fields in this sub-tab are used to select Paycode Transaction Types that define how hours are depleted in a plan. Depletion Paycode Transaction Types include PTO, Sick Time, and Personal Day.
Note: It is recommended that the "deplete" transaction code be unique to each plan. If the same code is used across multiple plans and the employee has more than one plan, the depletion will apply to all plans associated with that employee.
- Sub Tab - Locality Configuration: The fields in this sub-tab are used to configure paid/sick leave plans. Locality Configuration fields include State, City, County, Gap Days, Days Before First Use, Maximum Annual Hours Used, Effective Date, Allow Auto-Insert, Is Paid Leave, Is City Level Plan, Is County Level Plan.
Sub Tab - Accrual Plan
The fields in this sub-tab are used to define basic values for the plan - Description, Rate Type, Yearly Limit, etc.
- Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer
- Double-click the name of the employer receiving the accrual plan.
- Click the Accrual Plan tab near the top of the page
- Click Add New. The fields will be ready to be populated.
- Populate the fields according to the following definitions:
Accrual Plan The name of the accrual plan. It is recommended that this title is as descriptive as possible. For example, if two PTO plans are offered, each based upon years of service, name one plan “PTO 1-4 Years” and another plan “PTO 5 or More Years.” Description A free-text field used to describe the plan. Rate Type A drop-down menu with options that define by what method the accrual will be calculated.
Per Hour - For every hour worked, a set value of time is accrued.
Example - If the rate type is per hour, a rate of 0.25 would earn the employee 0.25 hours (15 minutes) of PTO for every hour worked. -
Per Pay Period - For every pay period worked, a set value of time is accrued.
Example - If the Rate Type is Per Pay Period, a rate of 0.25 would earn the employee 0.25 hours (15 minutes) of PTO for every pay period worked.
Rate A specific value that, when calculated according to rate type, accrues available time off.
Unlimited Carryover Indicates that employees can carry over an unlimited amount of Accrual Hours. Carryover Limit The number of units that can be carried over. If the employee is over the carryover max, the system will drop the rate back to the allowed amount. If Unlimited Carryover has been selected this field becomes uneditable. Pay Period Limit Set a Pay Period Limit to control maximum accrual earnings during a Pay Period. This is especially useful when the employee earns on a per Pay Period basis and has a check correction, bonus check, or other situation where they have multiple checks processed for them in an Accounting Period. Yearly Limit Defines the maximum Accrual Plan Hours a person can earn in a year. Avionté recommends completing this field. Yearly Date Type A drop-down menu with options that define the annual time range in which hours are accrued. This selection sets a time span for annually Earned Accrual Hours and Carryover Limits.
- Anniversary Date - Sets the beginning of the employee's accrual period to the anniversary of their hire.
- Calendar Date - Sets the beginning of the employee's accrual period to January 1st.
Initial Balance Initial Balance starts the employee with a balance of Accrued Hours. The employee will immediately see their hours on their pay stub and/or on the Employee Portal.
Note: On an employee's anniversary, the initial balance will be re-added to the employee's accrued balance. If an employee begins with an initial balance of 15 hours, their account will automatically receive another 15 hours on their one-year anniversary.Max Accrual Balance Defines a maximum number of hours the employee can have on their Accrual Plan. There is a Weekly Process that looks at these values and will auto-subtract hours if the employee has exceeded the limit set in this field.
Users may view the Accrual History tab in the Employee Accrual section to see a history of these adjustments. The accrual history displays the addition and subtraction of accrual values.
Processing Method The series of commands Avionté uses to process Accruals. Do not adjust this field unless directed to do so by Avionté's Technical Support or Training departments.
The Processing Method is different depending on the country (U.S. or Canada) of the employee or customer. Because Canadian regulations differ from U.S. regulations, setting the Processing Method to pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_CA will override any value placed in the Rate Type field.
The user will be able to select an option from a drop-down menu on the processing method field.- If an accrual plan is not setup with any locality configuration
- the drop-down is populated with the following processing methods:
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_Default
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_Contractor
- the drop-down is populated with the following processing methods:
- If an accrual is setup with locality configuration
- if the accrual plan is setup as a county level plan the only option in the drop-down should be
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_SickLeave_GeoCode_Rate
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_SickLeave_GeoCode_Rate
- if the accrual plan is setup as a county level plan the only option in the drop-down should be
- If the accrual plan is setup as a city plan or as a state plan the drop-down should have
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_SickLeave_Rate
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_IncludeCarryover
- Additionally, if the state on the accrual plan is configured as NY they should see pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_NYCitySickLeave_Rate
- If the supplier is Canadian
- The processing method drop down should be populated only with
- pay_ProcessPayrollCheckAccrual_CA
- The processing method drop down should be populated only with
Pay Type (Canadian only) A drop-down menu featuring Canadian accrual method selections.
If this drop-down menu does not contain "Accrue For Later Payout," the supplier may not be configured for Canadian processing.
Canadian regulations permit an employee to receive vacation pay every week with their regular paycheck instead of receiving pay during any time off the employee might take. To accommodate this, Avionté has a different Processing Method that is available for Canadian Clients, with a feature that permits weekly vacation payout.
- Accrual Plan example section
Include in Weekly Pay - Instead of accruing vacation hours that would otherwise be paid while the employee is off, the money that would have been set aside for time off is paid in each weekly pay period. Salary is not paid during any time off.
- Rate Type
- Rate (in Canada, must be at least .04 (4%)
- Yearly Date Type
- Processing Method
- Pay Type: Set to Include in Weekly Pay
- Required fields:
This type of accrual does not require Deplete Accrual Transactions.
- Accrual Plan Delete (Sub Tab) section
Accrue for Later Payout - Instead of accruing vacation hours that would otherwise be paid while the employee is off, the money that would have been set aside for time off is paid at any time as agreed upon by the employee.
- Rate Type
- Rate (in Canada, must be at least .04 (4%)
- Yearly Date Type
- Processing Method
- Pay Type: Set to Accrue for Later Payout
- Required fields:
- This type of accrual requires Deplete Accrual Transactions.
- Accrual Plan Delete (Sub Tab) section
Active The Active checkbox designates whether this is an Active Accrual Plan or not. If left unchecked, the Accrual Plan will not function. Avionté recommends de-activating any Accrual Plans you no longer use. If “Active” is not checked, the plan will not show in the list of available Accruals that can be added to an Employee’s record. Shared By This grid lists branches for the supplier currently active. Checking or unchecking the boxes for the branches will determine whether the branch is shared across the supplier. If a branch is unchecked, then when Payroll is processed, checks for that branch will not increment accruals.
This effectively allows you to turn accruals on or off at the branch level.
When adding an Accrual Plan to an Employee, the plans displayed will be determined by the plans shared by the active branches for that Employee.
When conducting time entry, accrual plans will not be inserted for branches that are not shared.
For example, if a branch has a more generous accrual plan than the one mandated by a state, the administrator can decide which one they want to use - the branch's, or the state's default.
When conducting payroll, units will accrue according to the plan determined by the branch if the branch is shared. If the branch is not shared, units will not accrue according to the branch plan.
Click Save and Restart the Application to save any changes. -
Per Hour - For every hour worked, a set value of time is accrued.
Accrual Plan Examples
U.S. - Standard
- Rate Type: Per Hour
- Rate: 3.00
- Carryover Limit: 40.00
- Pay Period Limit: 3.00
- Yearly Limit: 78.00
- Yearly Date Type: Anniversary Date
- Initial Balance: 0.00
Max Accrual Balance: 120.00
U.S. - Depletion Accrual Plan
As an employee, I am given a lump sum on my Anniversary Date each year of 80 hours. Anytime I use Vacation, it will deplete my bucket. I will not accrue anything for the remainder of the year after I receive my initial balance.
- Rate Type: Per Hour
- Rate: 0.00
- Carryover Limit: 40.00
- Pay period Limit: 0.00
- Yearly Limit: 80.00
- Yearly Date Type: Anniversary Date
- Initial Balance: 80.00
- Max Accrual Balance: 120.00
Accrual Plan Accrue sub-tab
The fields in this sub-tab are used to select Paycode Transaction Types that define how hours are accumulated in a plan. Accrual Paycode Transaction Types include Reg, OT, DT, and Salary.
- Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer
- Double-click the name of the employer receiving the accrual plan.
- Click the Accrual Plan Accrue tab near the top of the page
- In the Transaction Type column, mouse over a cell in the Transaction Type column and click on the available drop-down menu icon.
- Select a Transaction Type from the menu.
- Additional Transaction Types can be added by mousing over the bottom-most Transaction Type column cell and selecting a new Transaction Type.
- Click Save.
Note: When using the transaction type for Salary, ensure that the UnitsToHoursMultiplier field, under Admin Tools > Transaction Type > Property > Name = salary transaction type, has the appropriate hours configured. When Salary is entered in Time Entry as 1 Pay Unit, the accrual will determine the accrued value using the UnitsToHoursMultiplier associated to the transaction type.
Accrual Plan Deplete sub-tab
The fields in this sub-tab are used to select Paycode Transaction Types that define how hours are depleted in a plan. Depletion Paycode Transaction Types include PTO, Sick Time, and Personal Day.
- Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer
- Double-click the name of the employer receiving the accrual plan.
- Click the Accrual Plan Deplete tab near the top of the page.
- In the Transaction Type column, mouse over a cell in the Transaction Type column and click on the available drop-down menu icon.
- Select a Transaction Type from the menu.
- Additional Transaction Types can be added by mousing over the bottom-most Transaction Type column cell and selecting a new Transaction Type.
- Click Save.
Note: It is recommended that the "deplete" transaction code be unique to each plan. If the same code is used across multiple plans and the employee has more than one plan, the depletion will apply to all plans associated with that employee.
Locality Configuration sub-tab
The fields in this sub-tab are used to configure paid/sick leave plans at the local level. Locality Configuration fields include State, City, County, Gap Days, Days Before First Use, Maximum Annual Hours Used, Effective Date, Allow Auto-Insert, Is Paid Leave, Is City Level Plan, Is County Level Plan.
- Navigate to Start Page > Actions Menu > Admin Tools > Category = Employer
- Double-click the name of the employer receiving the accrual plan.
- Click the Locality Configuration tab near the top of the page.
- Fill out the fields
- A plan cannot be able to be configured as both a city and county plan.
- Can be a state plan as well.
- If the plan is configured as a City plan, a city is required in the appropriate text box
- If the plan is configured as a County plan, a County is required in the appropriate text box.
- If the plan is configured as a city plan, a County cannot be selected from the drop-down
- If the plan is configured as a County plan, a City cannot be added.
- A State is always be required
- Gap Days, Days Worked, and Hours must be entered as a numeric value.
- The effective date is required.
- Save your changes.
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